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On we go.  Part C will probably be out tomorrow.  Comment and keep reading!  Thanks!


It was silent for a few more minutes before Richard spoke again.  "I know you threw out the glass, but the picture..."  He started.  "I had a feeling this would come up... I placed it in your desk drawer master Richard."  The younger boy shot him a smile.  "You're the best Alf."  He said standing up after he took his last bite.  He placed the crutch under his left arm and began making his way upstairs.  It was a struggle climbing up the stairs but he finally reached the top.  He opened his door and awkwardly shuffled towards the desk.  He sat down in his chair and began spinning, but came to a quick stop.  He then grabbed the desk so he could pull himself closer.  He opened the drawer and froze for a second when he laid his eyes on the photo.  It was still split in halves, so he carefully picked them up and placed them on his desk.  He aligned them as best he could and then took a solid look at the photo.  For a second, he was brought back to his happy place, and a smile formed.  It lasted for a couple minutes as the good memories drifted through his mind.  However his smile was quick to fade as the last memory the two had shared surfaced.  He gave himself a second before he went back to it, and grabbed something from the drawer.  He cautiously laid the tape across the tear and pressed down.  He then turned the photo, about to do the same to the back, when the blue ink caught his eye.  He scanned the image, and again he couldn't help but smile.  He really did like the design.  So before he did anything else, he did his best to redraw it on another piece of paper, folding it, and placing it back in the draw.  He then taped the backside of the photo, flipped it back over, and just started at it for a few minutes.  He was completely overwhelmed, from being mad, happy, and sad all at once. 

He sat in the chair spinning, trying to think of what to write.  What to say.  But he couldn't think of a solid idea.  This only caused him to become frustrated, adding yet another emotion to the list.  He decided he would get up and walk around to think, so he did just that.  He grabbed his crutch and made his way over to the window.  And as Alfred would put it, became lost in his own little world.  He still hadn't thought of an idea, so after twenty minutes of watching trees do absolutely nothing, he turned around and began to walk to the opposite side of his room.  As he was making his way over he tripped because of his crutch.  In anger he pulled the crutch from his arm and stood on one leg as he tossed it across the room.  He attempted to walk on two feet despite the fact it hurt badly.  But he did it anyway, still trying to think of what he was going to say.  He then gave up, and collapsed on his bed.  He stared at his desk, the glare of the photo catching his eye.  It was then that a small idea sparked.  He carefully got up still wincing at the pain and made his way over eyes locked on the picture.  He grabbed both the photo and his laptop, limping back to his bed.  He turned on the computer and waited anxiously, worried that he might lose his idea.  A few minutes later he opened a plain document and began to type.

 "When things first start out..."  The page read.  He choose his words wisely and continued to write.  The process of writing his best friends eulogy was hard.  He often had to stop and take a breather, or sometimes get up and hobble around his room.  But six hours later he had three solid paragraphs.  There was much more that could of been said, and some parts could of been more specific, but he knew that if he got up there and began to present a long and very personal speech, he would begin to cry not even half way through.  So he wrote what he thought he could say and left it at that. 

He then shut down his laptop, standing up to make his way down stairs.  He grabbed his crutch knowing Alfred would be mad if it wasn't present, and left his room.  "Alfred can you take me out... I need to pick something up."  Richard said making an entrance.  "Of course master Richard."  The older man replied while cleaning some dishes.  "Just give me five minutes."  Richard shook his head and walked over to the study.  He sat down in the big chair and looked up at his parents.  His eyes then shifted to Bruce's.  He was about to say 'I really hope your son shows up' when he just shook his head, as it collapsed into his palm.  'Who am I kidding.'  He thought.  If it was bad enough that Bruce left and cut the communications, well then he was long gone.

 It made Richard exceptionally mad.  To think that his role model -his guardian - wouldn't even show up at Wally's funeral.  Wally was Richard's best friend, his only friend really.  Richard just couldn't rap his head around what could be more important.  Why he would need to be somewhere else.  Especially now.  He looked back up at his parents and forced a smile still mad about everything.  The wall that sat before him was so... Well he didn't have a word to describe it.  He was in the middle of thinking when Alfred shouted his name.  He stood up fast as he could, which was unmistakably slow, and made his way towards the garage.  Alfred was already in the car waiting for the boy to get in.  "And you used to call me slow."  Alfred pointed out when the boy opened the door.  Once he sat down he began to speak.  "Well having a deep hole in your foot is not a walk through the park."  Richard said.  Alfred laughed.  "Indeed master Richard.  Having a deep hole in your foot is more of a limp through the park."  Alfred commented.  Richard just shook his head chuckling.  "Oh Alf.  Your attempts always get me."  He stated.  "Attempts?  I thought that was pretty good!"  Alfred protested.  "No Alf.  I'll tell you what's pretty good.  A batch of your chocolate chip cookies."  The two began to laugh in sync.  "Perhaps I will make some when we get back.  Now where are we headed master Richard?" 

The two pulled into the lot and made their way in the store.  "I just need a few minutes."  Richard said wondering off.  Alfred walked throughout the store looking at random items.  He felt the need to walk down the kitchen supplies aisle but held back.  He walked to the front of the store and sat on a bench waiting for Richard to show up out of nowhere like he normally does.  A couple minutes later Richard hobbled over with a bag in his hand.  "All set master Richard?"  He double checked.  "Undeniably."  He responded with a straight face. 

Richard sat down in the car placing the bag on his lap.  "So what did you buy master Richard."  The younger boy stuck his hand in the plastic bag reaching for the item.  "Is it for what I think it is?"  Alfred questioned.  "It is the kind of  thing that should be protected behind glass."  Richard said eyeing the wooden frame.  "Well I think it will look lovely in that frame master Richard."  He gave the older man a nod, as it was completely silent for a few minutes.  Richard watched out the window as he mumbled sadly under his breath.  "It would look lovely in any frame."


I don't know how I feel about this... Comment down below what you think.

Thanks again!

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now