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Considering the length of the rest of this chapter, I couldn't divide it in two, so just know there will be no 24C.  The next thing I post will be the first part of chapter 25.

Comment and keep reading!  Thanks!


Richard sat at his desk thinking.  He was kind of upset Bruce walked out so quickly.  He hadn't been able to finish all of his thoughts.  Robin was Wally's partner...  But after looking at the file, Richard had understood that it didn't matter what mask he wore.  If he were to fight crime in Gotham, fight crime as someone that was not himself, it would still feel the same.  He would still be missing his best friend.  And ironically, his partner in crime.  He sat, spinning hopelessly in circles.  He was in the middle of a self debate.  He had a new idea.  One that hadn't taken him long to come up with.  He finally realized, that he wanted to be a hero, but one without a mask.  And in a matter of minutes he had the perfect solution.  But he was arguing with himself, and each point he brought up he rebutted.  He stopped spinning, grabbing his laptop and making his way to his bed.  He opened the device, waiting for it to turn on.  He then went on the internet typing in what he wanted.  He waited for the website to load, and then scrolled down to what he really wanted.  He looked at the same word for close to an hour.  The mouse on the icon one minute and then gone the next. 

Suddenly Bruce busted through the door, and Richard was quick to slap the top of the computer down to the keyboard.  "Should I be concerned?"  Bruce asked jokingly.  "Haha.  Good one Bruce."  He looked around the room waiting for Bruce to speak.  "I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?  Just you and me?"  Bruce pondered aloud.  Richard's face lit up in excitement.  "Sure!"  He responded.  "Alright cool.  Meet me downstairs in two.  I'm just going to let Alfred know."  At that Bruce turned around and shut the door.  Richard opened his laptop, the screen lighting up as he did so.  He bit his lip as he brought the mouse over the icon.  It read 'enlist'.  Richard moved the mouse again, exhaling.  He closed his eyes to soon open them.  "Later perhaps."  He whispered. 

Bruce pulled into the diner a huge smirk across his face.  "I don't get it.  It's just a diner."  Richard said.  "Not just any diner.  Your favorite one."  Bruce unbuckled his seatbelt, getting out of the car.  The two walked inside, and soon found themselves in a booth.  The waitress brought them both water and asked if they wanted anything else to drink.  "I think we're ready to order."  Bruce said to the skinny girl.  "No we're not."  Richard said kindly.  He then turned to Bruce.  "I haven't even looked at this yet!"  He said waving the menu before Bruce's face.  "I will have waffles, and this fine gentleman will have some french toast."  The waitress looked at Richard, who looked back at Bruce.  "Trust me."  He mouthed.  Richard gave the waitress a reassuring nod, and she soon left them to put in the orders. 

Richard sat with his hands folded.  "Can I ask you something?"  Bruce wondered.  "Another question?"  Richard wondered as Bruce laughed.   "You don't have to answer if you don't want to... it might be a touchy subject.  It's about your coma."  Richard fiddled with the straw.  "I suppose I can answer a question regarding that."  He said looking down at the table.  "I know you probably don't remember but what exactly happened while you were... 'asleep'."  He didn't know how to phrase it nicely.  "It's weird.  When I first woke up, it felt as though I had a dream.  All I could remember were the last five minutes.  Hence the car crash.  That's why when I woke up, I was completely confused.  I had remembered getting into an accident.  And when my eyes opened, I thought I had entered heaven.  But it turned out to be reality.  More things started coming to me the more I thought about it.  And despite the fact I can't write the whole thing out for you, I pieced most of it together."  Bruce's expression was priceless.  "But... I wasn't dreaming at all."  Richard took a sip of water before continuing.  "I was having a nightmare."  He was so vague.  "And this nightmare depicted..."  Bruce wanted the specifics.  "Most of my life."  He shoved the straw in his mouth drinking more water.  He was so concentrated on being hydrated that he had missed the look on Bruce's face.  "I'm sorry."  Bruce said.  Richard laughed.  "It's not your fault!"  Bruce loosened the collar of his shirt.  "I mean I will admit.  Some of the things that I saw never actually happened.  A few of the images were things I desperately sought to happen.  And I guess in the process my mind depicted it that way because I had wanted some of the things to happen so badly."  Bruce was looking around the restaurant obviously uncomfortable.  "Is it my turn to ask you a question...?"  Richard asked in a serious tone.  "I just... I don't understand how I survived.  I read that people barley make it past forty days.  I was in a coma for months!  I mean how did I even fall into the coma?  I thought I was going to die..."  Bruce took a deep breath.  "You want the honest truth?"  Richard shook his head.  "No more secrets remember?"  Bruce gave him a firm nod.  "Well a few hours before you slipped into your coma, you took a nap.  And over the duration of that time, I gave you a blood transfusion.  But it wasn't authorized by the hospital.  Please don't be mad."  The teen looked at him in astonishment. "Why would I be mad?"  His tone was upbeat.  "Because my foreign blood sent you into your coma.  And now you told me that you relieved your hell in that state.  I... I can't even imagine how you felt.  Thinking the whole thing was real life.  And it is all my fault."  Richard looked up at Bruce, a face filled with shock.  "I'm sorry Richard I had no idea."  He spit out.  Richard just chuckled.  "Bruce... I'm still alive!  Lying in that hospital bed I told you that you couldn't be my hero.  That you wouldn't be able to save me.  But you proved me wrong.  You saved my life once again Bruce..." 

The food soon arrived, a huge plate placed before Richard.  He raised his eye brows in surprise.  "This does look pretty good."  He stated.  Bruce nodded.  Richard picked up his fork cutting a small piece.  He held it up before his mouth, still hesitant.  "Go for it."  Bruce said.  Richard accepted and ate the french toast, memories quickly surfacing.  "This is so good!"  He practically screamed. Bruce continued to chew as a smirk emerged. 

Two weeks later Richard and Bruce were sitting in front of the fire place.  He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, despite the weather.  He was never one to get cold but for some reason he had constantly been hot.  His eyes glared out the window, snow falling, a white blanket covering the ground.  He smiled at Bruce who sat across from him.  Even though it was the last week of January, Richard and Bruce were about to celebrate Christmas.  Bruce was doing everything in his favor to make up for the absence.  He wouldn't forget how lonely he felt that day even though he attempted to force himself.  Richard had opened all but one of his presents, more than happy thus far.  He had exchanged with Bruce as well, who was also satisfied with what he received.

Bruce handed him a box that was roughly twelve by fourteen.  Richard smiled as he took it, ripping off the paper carefully.  He then opened the box to see a file inside of it.  At first he was confused.  For a second it had looked like the file he had previously asked Alfred to burn.  But he soon realized it wasn't.  He smiled as he opened the folder, a familiar logo covering the first page.  He began to flip through the documents.  All of them regarding Wayne Enterprises, and everything he needed to know about the company.  He looked up to Bruce.  "I don't know if you can recall previous conversations relevant to the company, but I would like to pass it one to you one day.  Perhaps you can start working there at the start of next year.  I was thinking of making a speech at next year's New Year's bash."  Richard started to laugh in disbelief.  "Really?"  He was shocked.  "I guess you don't remember.  But yes.  I am indeed being serious.  I thought I would give you this to look through.  That way when you come in you'll be set.  And then, more so soon than later, the business can be yours."  He said pointing to the teen.  Richard set the file on the table in front of him, pulling out a card from his pocket.  "I've have already given you my gifts.  But I have yet to give you a card."  He was so dysfunctional.  "My bad... I just well it's okay I guess."  He said handing Bruce the envelop. Bruce opened it up gently, taking out the card.  He unfolded it, his eyes reading the print slowly.  The broadness of his smile was in direct correlation with the number of sentences he read.  His neat, distinctive handwriting made him even more happier.   

Dear Bruce,

Merry Christmas first off.  That is the reason as to why I am giving you this card.  Anyway, I am more than glad that we are finally enjoying a smooth sail.  And even though I know there are still more harsh waters ahead of us, just know that I will always love you. 



I'll try and have the next part out soon, sorry for the lack of updates! 

Thanks again!

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now