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I had a snow day, and decided now would be a good time to post!  One quick thing before we start though... At this point in the story (by the middle of chapter 19) things start to get relatively intense language wise.  Some chapters will be more vulgar than others, but I wanted it to be that way to prove some points.  For the most part I'm writing it this way to strenghten the dialouge, and show when characters are truly upset.  I'm sorry if it's not your style, but this is how it's going to be.  I hope y'all enjoyed that awful disclaimer... Now on to the good stuff!

Comment and keep reading!  Thanks!


Early the next morning Richard had woke to see Alfred standing in the doorway.  "Need something Alf?"  He questioned, rubbing his eyes.  The butler took a few steps in the room and sat in a nearby chair.  "Yes, master Richard.. I have a question regarding last night... I'm assuming you had a nightmare and that's why you woke up... has this happened before?  You fell asleep before I could ask."  Alfred wondered aloud.  "I mean it's not a big deal, I get them every night but this one caused me to wake up screaming as opposed to just waking up like I normally do."  Alfred tilted his head.  "Why wouldn't you tell me about this master Richard?"  The younger boy cleared his throat as his tone became more serious.  "Why didn't I tell you?  Perhaps it was because I knew it wouldn't have changed much of anything... or maybe because it was easier for me to lie and hide my tears behind a fake smile.  You can say... or think anything you want... but how can you expect me to tell you something that I know you wouldn't understand?"  Richard sat there waiting for an answer.  The older man stood up and began to exit turning back to respond.  "Because I understand much more than you think."         

Hours later the aroma of fresh cookies permeated throughout the manor as Alfred pulled out a hot tray.  He paced to the other side of the kitchen placing it on a cooling rack and then peeled off the oven mitts.  He gracefully walked to the fridge grabbing the gallon of milk setting the carton on the table.  He exited the kitchen and made his way towards the staircase pausing before he called for Richard.

It wasn't long before the teen made his way down, soon caught in a trans due to the delicious smell.  Richard pulled out a chair and sat down folding his hands before him, waiting patiently for the scrumptious snack to be placed near him.  Alfred handed him a glass of milk, and shortly after the chocolate-chip cookies were sitting in the center of the table on a blue plate.  "Just give them a few more seconds to cool master Richard."  Alfred reminded him.  "Torture.  That's what you're putting me through Alf."  He cautiously took his hands off the table and placed them in his lap just to be safe.

It had been eleven and a half months since Bruce had left and over the duration of that time, Alfred and Richard had grown closer.  Richard was getting used to Bruce's absence, despite the fact Alfred knew that deep down Richard still wanted to see him.  Alfred learned more about Richard every time they spoke, and at the end of each day his concern for the troubled teen grew. 

Richard reached for a cookie and took a bite.  The cookie melted in his mouth from still being warm and soft.  He swallowed the snack, washing it down with a gulp of milk.  "How do you do it?"  Richard screamed.  It was the million dollar question that was asked practically every time Alfred baked them for the teen.  Which was close to four times a week.  "It's quite simple master Richard."  Alfred started.  "Not when I try!"  Richard piped in.  "When I said to under bake them, I didn't mean to stick them the oven for three minutes and then pull them out.  That's just bloody impatient."  Alfred laughed.  "Sorry Alf.  I'm just an impatient person, I guess."  He said lightly. 

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now