Chapter 1

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A/N: Alright, welcome to my first book back since last year of September. Also, this book is pre-written so the chapters that you will see have already been written so they're not fresh, I'm still not done writing the whole book so bear with me! I'm hella nervous to get this out, I don't know why, but I am. But I believe it's ready to be shared with you amazing people! Just before you continue, I want you to know that there is more fluff than there is angst, so if you get bored, just click off lmao. I thought of this idea while just sitting in my bed and staring at the ceiling, and I knew I had to get this out. Uhhhh, I love you guys, and I hope you all are staying safe and are taking care of yourselves, and yeah...enjoy!

Toni Topaz woke up feeling extra energized. Her phone went off, announcing that she received a message.

Sighing, the brunette grabbed her phone to find messages from her best friend.

Betty💞[6:35 AM]: TONI! I need a big favor!

Betty💞[6:37]: Antoinette Topaz, If you don't answer this phone

The brunette rolled her eyes, before typing a reply.

Toni[6:40]: gee, Betts, have you ever heard of sleep? And ever heard of 6 am? Yeah, people sleep during that time, clearly, you need it😂

Betty💞[6:41]: Shut up, anyway, Mr. Weather Bee needs me to show my cousin around, but I can't since I agreed to help Mrs. Bell with the new laptops that are being installed. Can you please show my cousin around?

Toni[6:41]: Idk, Who is this cousin? And how come I never heard of them?

Betty💞[6:42]: She's...well, she's been through a lot, she's really shy. She's been away with Nana Rose for a while, so she's been homeschooled. She's not really good with people, and she's very fragile so please be careful of what you say. Don't bring up anything about her family, well, you can bring up her mom and brother, and sister. But don't bring up her father (Not my place to say) Also she doesn't really like to be touched unless she knows you won't hurt her. Just, please, she's still recovering.

Toni[6:42]: Okay, uhm, yeah. I'll do that for you...only if you buy me a week's worth of frozen yogurt.

Betty💞[6:42]: Thanks, T! I will. Meet us outside of the school before class starts. I'll tell Mr. Weatherbee to excuse you.

Toni[6:43]: Cool.

Toni got ready for school. She chooses a white hoodie, black jeans, and her checkered vans. Once she finished putting her hair in two braids, she grabbed her phone, bag, and jacket.

"Dad?" Toni called, throwing her bag on her back. She entered the kitchen to the maid, Marie, making toast.

"Where's dad...?" She asked with a frown. Marie turned around with a smile, placing the toast in front of her 'Daughter'

"He had a meeting, love. He told me to tell you to have the best first day of senior year." She smiled.

Toni sighed with a nod as she took her seat. Toni's father was a businessman. She was born into a wealthy family, she owns anything she asks for. Her mom passed away at birth, leaving her with just her father. Whom she sees on the daily, but recently she's been missing him.

"Hey, cheer up, mija. He'll be here when you get home." The woman smiled at her. Marie was like Toni's mother figure. She helped her father raise her, but Toni wasn't dumb, she knew that her father was secretly in love with Marie.

"Thanks, Marie. I'm gonna head out now. I'll see you." Toni kissed her cheek.

"Have a good day, mija!" She called after the girl who was already to her Tesla.

Toni got into the car, a sigh breaking through her lips as she drove out of her driveway smoothly.


"Betty!" Toni called as she caught up with her blonde best friend. She was standing beside a redhead. The girl had her head down. She was wearing an oversized blue sweater, jeans, and Jordan 9s. Her ginger hair laid against her back, making Toni swoon at how beautiful she was, yet to see her face.

"Toni, hey!" Betty smiled as the tanned girl approached her. "This is my cousin, Cheryl Blossom. Say hey, Cher." Betty whispered gently.

Cheryl picked her head up, making Toni smile. "H-Hey." The shy redhead mumbled. Toni couldn't stop staring at the blue-eyed girl making Betty clear her throat.

Toni blushed, looking away. "Okay, so Cher. Remember what your mom told you? How I can't show you around this morning?" Betty spoke gently.

The redhead nodded, "T-That's okay, B-Betts." She spoke shyly. Betty smiled, gently rubbing her arm, "This is my best friend, Toni. She's starting senior year like all of us, she'll be showing you around." The blonde explained.

"Oh," Cheryl spoke. Toni decided to speak up, "Don't worry about it. We'll have fun." She said with a friendly smile.

That made Cheryl calm down a little, feeling a bit of trust with Toni. "O-Okay," Cheryl mumbled.

"Great. Here is her schedule..." Betty said, handing her tanned best friend the paper. "She has all of your classes, so she'll be with you today," Betty explained.

"That's fine." Toni nodded with a smile. "Cool, bye! Good luck, Cher." Betty smiled at her cousin before rushing down the hall to the office.

Toni gives Cheryl a warm welcoming smile, "So, let's get started shall we?" Toni asked. Cheryl nodded, grabbing her bag.

"So right here is the main hall, lockers, and stuff. Uhm, do you know your locker?" The brunette asked.

When Cheryl nodded, she continued to speak. "Great, we'll go there after we're done." The brunette said.


"And there is your locker." Toni smiled as they approached the locker, "Which is right beside mine. Huh, that's cool." Toni said, opening her locker.

The redhead put in her combination before opening her locker and books were in them already. "Yeah, uhm, those are the textbooks they provide for us each year. Just put your bag there, and grab what you need." Toni said, grabbing her Algebra 2 notebook since they had Mr. Brown this period.

Cheryl copied Toni's actions before shutting her locker. Toni gives her another friendly smile before leading her towards the classroom.

Before entering, Toni beckoned Mr. Brown over. He smiled once he approached the two girls, "Cheryl Blossom is it?" He asked, reaching out to shake her hand.

Cheryl nodded but kept her hands on her books. He smiled at her as he dropped his hand awkwardly. "Mr. Brown, Cheryl is pretty shy, so can she skip the introduction you do each year?" Toni asked making Cheryl's nerves calm down.

"Of course. I'd never push a student into something they aren't comfortable with." He smiled.

Toni gives him a smile before nodding for Cheryl to follow her in. "You can sit beside me if you want." The tanned girl said, sitting in the same seat from last year.

Cheryl sat beside her and rested her hands on the desk.

"Okay, class so since it's the first day, we always do introductions to get to know a bit about each other." Mr. Brown said, writing on the board before turning around.

"I see a bunch of new faces, which makes me excited. So let's get started." He said, pointing to someone in the front row.

When he got to Cheryl's row, he made sure to skip the quiet girl which leaves Toni last.

"Well, most of you know me since I'm, for some reason, popular. My dad is Andrew Topaz, Yes the Andrew Topaz. I love frozen yogurt. I'm also on the school's soccer team." Toni said before sitting down.

"Awesome, Toni. Good to see you again. Now, please turn your textbooks to page 10." He said, pulling out the projector.

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