Chapter 3

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2 weeks later


Cheryl sat alone in the library, keeping to herself as she normally did. Toni stood by the door, biting her lip as she watched the redhead closely.

"Toni!" Veronica called making Toni jump. The raven-haired girl smirked, "Stalking Blossom again?" She asked, looking at the ginger who was smiling to herself as she got lost in her 'Harry Potter' book.

"N-no...I'm just...watching from afar?" Toni said but it came out as more of a question than an answer making the brunette sigh and sit down on the seat with a huff. "I-I don't know V. It's been 2 weeks since she's gotten here, and she barely said any words to me. I-I-I mean can't she see that I'm crushing on her bad?" Toni rambled.

Veronica sighed, sitting beside her, "You have to grab her attention. From what Betty has told me, Cheryl has been through a lot. I know that doesn't have anything to do with you, but maybe you make her nervous. I mean, your father is this big businessman, you're popular and pretty. She just needs to get used to having you around." Veronica explained.

"Maybe I should sit with her now," Toni said, getting up. Veronica shrugged, standing up with her. "She's at peace right now. Maybe try lunch." The girl said.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'll-I'll do that. Uhm, later." Toni waved, walking into the library but going over to her teammates.

"Toni!" Emily smiled, wrapping her arm around Toni's shoulder making Cheryl look up at the mention of Toni's name.

The redhead blushed when she and Toni locked eyes, making her put her head down and try to focus on her book. "The girls and I are going to get frozen yogurt after school, you tagging along?" Emily asked. Emily was co-captain along with Toni, they're best friends. It was her, Betty, and Emily growing up.

"Uhm, N-Not today, Em. My dad is showing me around his office today." The tanned girl focused on her other best friend.

Emily frowned, turning to look in the direction Toni was previously eyeing. And realization took over her features, "Ah, Yes. The ole' Blossom crush." The girl teased.

"S-Shut up. I don't have a crush on her." Toni lied. Emily chuckled, pulling Toni away. "I can help you." She whispered. Toni raised her eyebrow, "Help me how, exactly?" Toni asked, looking from her to Cheryl.

"Talk to her!" The girl said, "Don't you think I tried?" Toni scoffed. Emily sighed before getting an idea, "Isn't she in PE with you?" She asked. Toni nodded.

"Coach isn't here today, and she left me in charge of PE, with Mr. Karev of course, but I can totally give leadership to you if that means you can actually talk to her." The green-eyed girl said.

Toni sighed, "T-that sounds really good, but I want this on my own." She explained, pulling away as she walked over to Cheryl.

"Hey." She smiled, standing beside her. Cheryl looked up, her face turning red, "Hi-Hi Toni." She stammered.

Toni sat beside her, "Whatcha reading? Anything cool?" She asked. Cheryl held up the book, showing her the cover.

"Mmmm, 'Harry Potter'. Huge fan." Toni said, pulling out her phone case she got for her 17th birthday last year.

"T-That's cool." Cheryl smiled, taking the phone from her to look over the case. "I-I asked my mom fo-for one last Christmas. I didn't get it-it but, that's okay." The redhead said, handing the phone back.

"What's your favorite house?" Toni asked, "Mine is Hufflepuffs." Toni said making Cheryl look at her with a smile. (A/N: Bear with me, I'm not a big Harry Potter fan)

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