Chapter 40

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2 years later

25-year-olds' Cheryl and Toni Topaz were well known by now. Everyone knew who they were being that Toni was the biggest female soccer player in California state. From New York City to Texas, everyone knew the name, Toni Topaz.

Cheryl became the best lawyer around. The redhead held much confidence as she walked through the halls of her office. Everyone adored her, she was kind, caring, and serious when it came down to her job. There was not one complaint made against her. The married couple were deeply in love, and that love grew every waking day they spent together. Life is blissful for the two.

"Baby!" Toni called as she shut the house door, being sure to set the alarm. Recently crazy fans have been trespassing on their property.

"My love!?" She called again, setting the keys down. Cheryl had called her and told her that she wasn't feeling well, so she called off practice early.

When she didn't get an answer, she became worried and she walked upstairs to their bedroom after looking around the house. She opened the door slowly and let out a breath of relief when she saw her redheaded wife sleeping peacefully in their bed.

She made her way to the bed, sitting down beside Cheryl. "My love..." She whispered, caressing Cheryl's hair. Cheryl stirred, looking up at Toni with tired eyes.

"Hey, gorgeous. Feeling any better?" The brunette asked and Cheryl shook her head. Toni frowned, "How can I help? Did the doctor call yet?" She asked, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"No, not yet." Cheryl croaked out, resting her head back down on the pillow. They were waiting on some very exciting news, and even the wait was killing them.

"It seems like it worked, " Toni whispered. Cheryl gave her a small smile while shutting her eyes. The sound of the redhead's phone ringing blared through the room making both of their heartbeats pick up.

Toni picked the phone up from the dresser and gulped when she saw the contact. "It's the IVF doctor," Toni said.

Cheryl sat up while Toni stood up and answered, starting to pace the room.

"Hello?" She spoke into the phone. Cheryl watched her closely from her spot on the bed. Toni sat back on the bed, putting the phone on speaker.

"Hi, it's Dr. Sanders. I'm calling to inform you that the insemination worked successfully." The woman's voice on the phone divulge and the two women smiled at each other with tears in their eyes.

"I need you two to come down tomorrow for an official ultrasound to confirm and plan more appointments if needed so. Are you two free for tomorrow or is that not a good day?" She asked.

"Uh-uhm-" Toni let out an incredulous chuckle, "I-I can take off practice." Toni stammered out.

"And I can call in sick- I already clocked out today," Cheryl said, squeezing Toni's hand.

"Great, how does 11 AM sound?" She asked. Toni could hear the clicking of the keyboard over the phone.

Toni looked at Cheryl and the redhead nodded in response. "Yes. 11 sounds good." Toni breathed out shakingly.

"Great. See you tomorrow."

"Thank you so much," Cheryl spoke up. The woman chuckled, "No problem, Mrs. Topaz. Congratulations, You two."

Cheryl smiled before the phone hung up. She jumped on top of her wife, kissing her with all the love she had for her.

Toni smiled against her wife's lips, cupping her cheeks. Cheryl pulled away with a smile, tears rolling down her cheek, "Were going to be mothers, TT..." Cheryl whispered as she hovered over Toni, her smile never leaving her face.

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