Chapter 64

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Didn't proofread. Don't judge, it's summertime 💀

Toni found herself pouting as she watched Aliana move around in her walker. Soon, the auburn-haired girl will not be need the helper anymore and it made her sad.

She could remember when she was just a tiny baby, so fragile to life now she was a daredevil and did anything dangerous. Sometimes Toni would catch her trying to climb the stairs so she and Cheryl had to get a baby gate and the almost 9-month-old didn't enjoy that at all.

So she found another way to live on the dangerous side. She learned how to climb on the couch. It almost scared the married couple to death when they saw her stand up and start grabbing on the couch to climb up.

But, even through that all, she was scared to walk. Hunter would try and help her since he was smaller in size and he'd hold her hands while walking backward but that wouldn't work, Aliana would simply cry for Toni when she felt like she couldn't do it.

So the couple let the small girl take her time, deciding not to rush her. The walker was annoying though, the small girl loved to twist and play with the toys on the helper and Toni found it hard to even think most of the time. But the smile on Aliana's face when she's having fun is so worth it, the toothy smile she'd have made the couple coo each time, even Hunter enjoyed seeing it.

But all that changed when Aliana caught a fever and was just whining, crying, coughing, throwing up, and all.

"Mommy, storytime." Hunter climbed on the couch with Cheryl who was trying to get Aliana to sleep. The hot and irritated baby wasn't cooperating with the redhead.

"Ask momma, baby boy. Aliana isn't feeling well." she said softly and Hunter frowned, "Alia sick?"

"Yeah." Cheryl nodded, tucking his hair away from his face.

"Okay, I ask momma." he nodded.

"Thank you for understanding, baby." she kissed his forehead and Hunter climbed down from the couch with his book and left to find Toni.

"Momma!" he called as he climbed the stairs. "In here, bub!" she replied from the bedroom. Hunter made his way into his parent's room, his feet thudding against the wooden floor.

"Aliana sick," he says as he entered the room. "I know, I'm looking for some medicine but I might have to go out and get some." she sighed, turning her attention to her son, giving up on finding the medicine. She'll have to run to the overnight pharmacy.

"What can I help you with, buddy?" she bent down to his level.

"Book!" he held it up.

"I have a better idea. Wanna come with me for a drive?" she asked, taking the book from him.

"Yeah! Yeah!" he jumped up and down excitedly.

"Then after we can read your book once Alia is settled down, yeah?" his momma raised her eyebrow.

Hunter put his thumb up making the woman chuckle before picking him up, "Let's get you some shoes."

"I still in my PJs." he giggled.

"So? They're cute by the way, who picked them?" Toni says with faux wonder.

"You did, momma!" he giggled when Toni tickled his side. "I have good taste then. Don't you agree?" Toni asked as they reached the stairs.

"Mhm." Hunter nodded, his curly hair flowing in his face again. The couple gave up on asking him about cutting his hair ages ago, they wanted Hunter to just be himself, let him know that he didn't have to change for anyone.

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