Chapter 63

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Toni walked into Hunter's preschool and smiled when she saw her son waiting for her beside the group of kids and his teacher.

"Momma!" he cheered, running over to the brunette. "Hi, bub!" she giggled and caught him in her arms, kissing his cheek.

"He did really good today. He learned how to count to 10 so far." his teacher smiled.

"Oh really?" Toni smiled at her son and tickled his side. "At home, could you maybe sit with him and count? It'll help him in school so he'll be ahead." the teacher states.

"Yeah, of course." Toni nodded. She signed Hunter out before carrying him out into the car.

"Mommy at home?" he asked while Toni buckled him in.

"No, mommy took Alia to see auntie Madison," she says.

"I wanna see awuntie Madison!" he crossed his arms. "Maybe later, bud. It's nap time."

"No! I wanna see awuntie Madison." he kicked his feet while whining.

"Ugh." Toni shut the car before entering the car. Hunter cried the whole way home. Toni was pretty sure the boy didn't remember what he was ever crying about because as she drove them home he kept saying different things.

As she parked the car in the driveway, Cheryl pulled up not too long after. Toni opened the door for Hunter while Cheryl got her bag and other belongings.

"What's wrong?" she asked when she saw her son having a tantrum. "He wants to see Madison, although, I don't think he even knows why." she sighed.

"Madison is in the car with Alia." the lawyer stated, pointing behind her to the car where Madison was stepping out with Alia.

When she heard Hunter cry, she looked over with a raised eyebrow. "What's wrong?" she asked with a pout. The crying boy heard her voice and immediately started to reach for her.

"What's wrong, buddy?" she asked, handing Aliana off to Cheryl before taking her nephew from her sister-in-law.

He stopped crying once he fell into the embrace of his aunt and Toni let out a sigh at the silence. "Ma-ma-ma." Aliana babbled and reached over for Toni.

"Oh my god!" Cheryl gasped. "Hi, baby!" Toni giggled and took her daughter from her wife, kissing her cheek multiple times, causing her to giggle.

"She just said her first word!" Madison cheered. "Yay, Aliana!" Cheryl rubbed her back.

The small girl didn't understand why they were cheering but she clapped and smiled along with her family.


"Here, baby." the redhead mother says, handing Aliana her bottle. She was resting against a pillow on the couch as she took the bottle from her momma.

Toni got deja vu as she watched her daughter drink from her bottle, reminding the brunette of her older brother, they looked alike and more like Toni. The only features they had of Cheryl were her smile, eyes, and some of the ginger in her hair.

"It's good, love?" the soccer player chuckled as she watched her daughter guzzle the milk down.

Aliana looked over at her mother before tilting her head. Toni chuckled once more, "I guess it is."

Hunter sat with Madison, reading a book that Hunter picked out. The couple loved the fact that the boy loved to learn, it made it easier for them to get him excited about going to preschool.

"You want something to snack on before dinner, Hunt?" Cheryl asked.

"Awpple slices!" the small boy nodded frantically. "Coming right up." his mother joked and left the living room.

Paw Patrol was playing on the tv, Aliana's eyes scanned over the screen. She was curious about what the characters were doing and Toni took notice of this.

"You like Paw Patrol?" she asked. The 7th-month-old just gave her mother a toothy smile in response before continuing to drink from her bottle.

"Here, Hunty." Cheryl entered the living room again. Hunter jumped up and got his apple slices. "Tank you, mommy," he states, biting into one.

"No problem." the lawyer smiled and went to sit on the couch with her wife. She picked up Aliana and sat the baby in her lap.

"Whatcha working on, love?" she asked the tanned woman beside her.

"I'm looking up some things we can do this summer. I don't wanna stay in Cali like we did last year. And Aliana will be one, so we can fly out somewhere." she explained.

"Oh my god. I just had the best idea." Cheryl says and Toni nodded to let her know that she's listening.

"We can take them back to our home town. Ya know, to see everyone. Hunter has been to Riverdale before, and neither had Aliana. It'll be an amazing trip because everyone will be there." Cheryl says.

That was a good idea. Madison, Emily, and Kevin moved to California after everyone finished school. But Betty, Veronica, Jason and his family, Toni's parents, and her parents stayed back.

"Wait. That sounds good." Madison piped in. "You can show Hunter where you grew up at. All the place you two went, ugh, it's so cute just thinking about it." the sister rambled.

"I agree. So I guess we can do that for the summer then." Toni nodded.

"Good." Cheryl smiled, taking Alia's bottle, sitting her down so she could get her to burp. The small girl hated this because Cheryl would pat her back and it startled her.

But, as expected, it got a burp out of her. "Yay, Alia, " Toni giggled.

"Mommy." Hunter stood up and made his way to the couch with something in his hand.

"What is that, bub?" she questioned, holding her hand out and grabbing it before Aliana's curious hands could.

"It's my earring I lost. Where was it?" she asked, tucking her son's hair away from his face.

He pointed to the corner of the room, where the carpet stopped. "Why didn't I think to look over there?" Toni giggles, remembered when she was helping her wife look for it.

"Thank you, Hunty." the redhead smiled and he nodded before going back to playing with his cars.

"He's getting so big." Toni pouted.

"Alia just said her first words today and has 5 teeth already. I agree." Cheryl giggled, resting her head on her wife's shoulder.

Either way, they were forever thankful for their kids.



Unfortunately, my birthday is this month and I HAVE to celebrate 💀 it's whatever😤

I hope you cuties are staying hydrated and safe since it's so hot outside 😩

Also, this was just a filler 🤪

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