Chapter 10

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Toni took a deep breath, checking her hair in her mirror before getting out of the car. "Just be yourself, Topaz. Just be yourself." She whispered.

She rings Cheryl's doorbell as she tries to calm her nerves. Jason opened the door with Danny on his arm.

"Hey, Toni." He smiled, letting her in. "Cheryl should be down in a few." He nodded before looking up at the stairs then back at Toni.

"What's your intention with my sister?" He asked as Danny babbled.

"Nothing. I genuinely like your sister." Toni said firmly. He eyed her, " you don't want to hit and quit it?" He raised his eyebrow and Toni grew offended.

"Of course not! I would never do that to her." she retaliated. Jason raised his free hand in surrender, "Okay, okay, no need to get feisty. I was just testing you, kid. You got the spunk...I like that." He smiled. Toni's nerves calmed down, "S-Sorry...It's just that happened to me before and I wouldn't even dream of doing that to her."

He smiled, patting her shoulder, "You're a good kid." "Welcome to the family." He shook her hand.

"T-Thanks." She blushed. "Jason, is Toni here yet?" They heard Cheryl call.

"Yep!" He called back, "Have fun." He smiled before entering the living room, Daniel looking over his shoulder and reaching for Toni. The brunette chuckled and smiled at him.

Seconds later, Cheryl descended the stairs wearing jeans, a funnel, with black and blue space jams. Toni smiled, "Hi..." She whispered.

"Hi." Cheryl blush at the way Toni was looking at her. She started playing with her hands, "Y-You look adorable." Toni chuckled nervously.

"Thank you." Cheryl's face grew darker.


"Just hold on to my hands." Toni giggled as she helped Cheryl stand up with her skates. "I'm scared." Cheryl pouted.

"I promise I got you." The tan girl guaranteed. Cheryl nodded, slowly standing up.

"See? I have you." Toni smiled, letting Cheryl hold onto her waist as she made her way to the rink.

"Okay, so the basics are hold onto the sides, or something but try not to get used to it," Toni explained as she skated backward. "Just try to skate towards me." Toni laughed as Cheryl held onto the sides.

Cheryl took a deep breath before she rolled off the wall and skated towards Toni. "You got it!" Toni cheered when Cheryl skated into her arms.

Cheryl giggled excitedly as she pulled away, "Let's try skating down then back." Toni suggested, grabbing Cheryl's hand.

"I-I don't know...I just got lucky that time." Cheryl said.

"It's fine, babe. I promise." Toni said, accidentally letting the term of endearment slip. Cheryl blushed but nodding her head. Hearing Toni call her 'babe' made butterflies swarm in her stomach.

"See, just keep doing that." Toni nodded as Cheryl went left feet-right feet. Once they made it to the end, Toni clapped.

"Now you could try it yourself if you want to." The soccer player cheered.

"O-Okay..." Cheryl nodded. She and Toni skated back in laughter as Cheryl tried to race her. "Beat ya!" Cheryl giggled once she touched the wall first.

"Ugh, no fair!" Toni laughed as she watched Cheryl giggle. Once their laughter died down they did a few more rounds of skating before leaving the rink.

The two girls rested on the hammock in Toni's back yard. Cheryl had her head on Toni's chest with their legs tangled up together.

"Do you ever wonder if there are mermaids out there?" Toni whispered making Cheryl giggle, "I don't know."

"I do. When I was younger my father and I would watch YouTube of live mermaids or something." Toni chuckled. Cheryl looked up at her, "You're cute." She laughed.

Toni shook her head, "I'm barely cute. I'm tough."

"No, you're a soft little bear." Cheryl giggled, squeezing Toni. "Whatever." Toni chuckled.

Toni sat up slightly, looking down at Cheryl who raised her perfectly arched eyebrow. "I-I've been meaning to a-ask you something important," Toni whispered, playing with the lose thread on Cheryl's shirt.

Cheryl grew nervous, "W-What is it?" She asked. Toni sensed her mood, "Oh no, It's nothing bad." She chuckled.

"Oh..." Cheryl breathed out a relieved sigh, "Then what is it?" She asked again.

"Do you uh- did you want to be my girlfriend?" Toni asked, looking into Cheryl's eyes.

Cheryl smiled as she nodded, "I'd love to be your girlfriend." She giggled.

"R-Really?" Toni asked with a smile. "Really." She nodded.

Toni leaned down and kissed Cheryl softly. Cheryl smiled into the kiss, wrapping her arms around Toni's neck. Toni cupped her face as she deepened the kiss.

Toni pulled away and rested her forehead on Cheryl's, "I can't believe your mine." Toni whispered.

Cheryl smiled, resting her head on Toni's chest. "You better believe it." The redhead smiled.

Soon it was time for Toni to drop Cheryl back off at home. Toni walked Cheryl to her door, the redhead giggling as Toni kept singing the song that played in the car ride back.

When Cheryl opened the door, Toni spun her around before placing her lips on hers making Cheryl squeal into the kiss. When Toni pulled away, Cheryl blushed, "I'll text you when I get home." Toni said.

Cheryl nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Cheryl watched as Toni got into her car before opening the house door to Madison standing there with her arms cross and her left eyebrow raised, "So?" She giggled.

"She's my girlfriend!" Cheryl squealed making her little sister hug her. "You have to tell me about your night!" The girl squealed, pulling Cheryl upstairs.

Just a filler

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