Chapter 49

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2 years later

"Phoenix!" Toni called for her son who ran around the house with only his diaper on. He giggled as he ran away from his Momma. She had to dress him because they were going to run errands together. Tomorrow is his 2nd birthday and Toni's 28th birthday.

"Cher! Please help." The brunette groans. Cheryl scooped Hunter into her arms when the boy ran to her.

"Why are you giving Momma a hard time, Hunter?" Cheryl giggled, letting the boy tuck his face into her neck.

"Monster." He pointed. Toni sighed, "We aren't playing a game, Hunty. You have to get dressed." She chuckled, playing with curls.

"Come on, let mommy get dressed." The brunette says, taking her son from her wife.

"Mommy!" He squealed, holding his arms out while Cheryl walked away, "She'll be back, baby." Toni chuckled.

"Here, hold this while I dress you." She says, giving him her phone. Hunter took it excitedly and before he knew it, he was fully dressed.

"Look how fast that was, Bubba!" Toni smiled and picked the 1-year-old up. Cheryl walked downstairs in blue jeans and one of Toni's sweaters.

"Mommy is so beautiful, right?" Toni whispered to Hunter.

"Mommy bootiful!" He nodded, making grabby hands at the redhead. Cheryl giggled as she took her son from her brunette wife and pecked her lips.

"Did you call the bakery for the cakes?" The redhead asked, pulling on Hunter's jacket. "Yeah, I did it after I got home from practice." The brunette says, pulling a beanie on her head.

It was the middle of November, it was chilly in California. "Alright, I called the caterers, they'll be here in the morning with the food." Cheryl says, placing Hunter on the floor.

"Momma toy car!" He said, taking the car keys from the table. "Baby, we told you this a million times, the range rover isn't a toy." Toni laughed, picking him up.

"He still thinks it's a car because every time we want him to behave we tell him 'You can drive range rover car!' and now it's stuck." Cheryl shrugged.

"Anything to get my boy to be quiet, right?" Toni tickled his side. Hunter giggled and pushed Toni's hands away.


"You like this one, Hunty?" Toni asked the boy in the cart. The one-year-old nodded, giving his momma a big toothy grin.

"You look just like mommy when you smile." She chuckled. Cheryl entered the isle with party hats, plats, and napkins. .

"There are so many times where I forget that we're well known..." Cheryl huffed as she placed the stuff into the cart.

"The faster we get stuff, the faster we can leave. Should we tell Mike to come in?" Toni asked, referring to their security guard.

"No, it's fine. They didn't harm me, I was just in a rush." The redhead shrugged. "Mommy!" Hunter groaned as he tried to reach for his car that fell into the cart.

"One sec, baby." The redhead said, reaching over to pick it up and hand it back to her son.

"What do you say?" Toni asked. "Tank you," Hunter said, taking the toy from his mother. "Remind me to get Nala some food on the way home, we're running low." The redhead said as she looks through her list she made in her notes.

Once the couple had what they needed, they paid and made their way to their car where Mike was standing.

"Sorry about the long wait, Mike. There was a line." Toni tells him, taking Hunter out of the cart.

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