Chapter 65

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"I want to cut my hair."

Cheryl's stomach was in knots

The day started the same way it did when Hunter joined pre-school. Cheryl wakes up, dresses him and Toni cooks breakfast, feeds Aliana. Then they eat breakfast together until Cheryl drops Hunter off at pre-school on her way to work.

It became a routine and the family adapted to it fairly quickly. Hunter was enjoying pre-school but that didn't stop Cheryl's nerves. She was going to be worried about him regardless.

So that's why, right at this moment, her stomach was in knots when Hunter came home from school telling his mothers that he wanted to cut his hair. It shocked both of them, to say the least. Hunter was going to be four in 7 months, he was getting older, they knew that but he has never ever suggested anything like this.

Toni felt something wasn't right because when they asked him if he was sure, he hesitated. She knew her son better than anyone.

"Knock, Knock." Toni tapped gently on Hunter's bedroom door. The boy on the floor looked up, his long curly hair blocking his face.

"Hey, buddy, whatcha doing?" she asked, joining him on the floor.

"I'm playing cars." he looked up at her then back down at the car in his hand.

Toni smiled and tucked his hair behind his ear, "I have a question for you. Come sit." Toni patted her lap.

Hunter complied, placing his cars down for a moment. "What is it, momma?" he asked, looking up at her with his big blue eyes.

"Well, remember how you told mommy and me that you wanted to cut your hair?" she asked and softly ran her fingers through brown locks.

Hunter frowned slightly but nodded. Toni was immediately intrigued.

"Can I ask what made you want to do that? Did someone say something? Did something happen?" she asked.

Ever since Hunter learned to talk, they've been working on his emotional communication. Meaning, they let him know that it's okay to feel hurt or sad and it's okay to cry when needed to. They made sure that he understood that because they didn't want him to grow up thinking he had to suck it up.

They'll do the same when Aliana is of age too.

So, Hunter knew that his mothers had feelings. He acknowledges that. He understands that, so tries to protect them from certain things that happen at pre-school. Plus, his teachers handle the meanies well anyways.

"No. My hair is long, momma. It's..." he tries to find the right words, Toni could see the cogs turning his head, "Irritating?" Toni helped.

"Mhm." he nodded. "I don't wike it no more," he mumbled.

"Mhm, okay." the woman nodded.

"But you do know that if someone did say something about it, you can tell me right?" she whispered.

"But momma has feelings. I don't like when momma gets sad." he looks down.

Toni frowned. So someone did say something. She knew it.

"Hunty, tell me what happened, okay? I'm an adult and adults can handle sad feelings for a while," she states.

Hunter looked up at her and his lip started quivering. "I just wanted a fwiend."

"Yeah?" Toni frowned, "Tell me what happened, baby." she kissed his hair.

"S-someone twold me twhat I looked wike a gwirl Because I have l-lwong hair," he confesses in tears.

"Aww, buddy." Toni's frown deepens, "You do not look like a girl just because of your hair. Okay? Your hair is beautiful and it's made with lots of love." she hugs him against her chest. 

"Uncle Jason loves it, uncle Kevin loves it, uncle fangs, auntie Madison, auntie Lisa, auntie Emily, auntie Jessica, auntie B, and V, Nana Rose, grandma, and grandpa Topaz, grandma Blossom, Aliana, momma, and mommy. We all love your hair, buddy. Don't let someone's mean words get to you, let it make you stronger." she encourages.

"How did that make you feel?" she asked, wanting him to communicate with her.

"It made me feel swad." he whimpered.

"I made mommy upset," he adds sniffed.

Toni sighed, "Yeah, you just freaked mommy out that's all. You know what I mean right?" she asked.

"I swcared her." Hunter nodded.

"Yeah. But between me and you, mommy is overdramatic. Don't you think?" she whispered jokingly.

"What is that?" Hunter giggled.

"Well, it's when someone gets too excited. It could be in a happy way or sad way. In this case, mommy is being dramatic in a sad way."

"Why does mommy get excited in sad way?" he sniffled as he wipes the tears that had fallen from his glossy blue eyes down to his olive skin cheeks.

"Mommy loves your hair. She grew it herself so its si pre sous to her. It's precious to both of us because it makes you Hunter Phoenix Topaz." Toni squeezes him gently.

"I'm sowwy I hurt your fweelings," he mumbled.

"You didn't hurt my feelings, baby. It just...shocked me, that's all. Next time someone says something to hurt your feelings, let us know okay? We can handle it."

"Otay, momma, I will. I wuv you." he says, wrapping his small arms around her front.

"I love you too." Toni chuckled, kissing his hair.

"You wanna go see how mommy is doing?" she asked.

Hunter nodded and Toni picked him up. Toni exits the room, Hunter resting his head on her shoulder as she walks downstairs.

Cheryl was sitting on the couch, bouncing Aliana on her leg as the girl slept soundly in her arms. Toni smiled at her wife when Cheryl made eye contact with her.

"Hunter has something he wants to say to you, baby," she whispered.

Hunter picked his head up and they swapped kids, Toni gently taking Aliana from the redhead so Cheryl could sit Hunter on her lap.

"You okay?" she whispered to him. He nodded and Cheryl sighed with relief, kissing his forehead.

"I'm sowwy for swcaring you, mommy. I don't wike seeing you sad." he pouts.

"Hey, forget all about it, okay?" the redhead smiled earning a toothy smile from him.

"So, are we keeping the hair?" Cheryl asked.

"Ywes!" Hunter smiled excitedly, "Because I'm Hunter Phwoenix Topaz." he adds.

"Yes, you are." Cheryl giggled, pulling him into a hug, "I love you, bub." she whispered.

"I wuv you too," he mumbled and smiled when Cheryl squeezed him tighter.


anyways. I had the worst scare the other day😤 my mom got a letter in the mail saying I had to go to summer school and I had a full-on panic attack 😃 that I couldn't suppress this time🙄☝️🏾. It was the first time I saw my other sister worried about me 🥺 but yeah, I emailed my principal and he was like don't listen to that letter, only emails from him count. ( I didn't get an email from him soo🤪😜) A BADDIE NEVER HAS SUMMER SCHOOL🥱🥳🤪 LMFAO I CRACK MYSELF UP💀

anywhooooo, so I have a bit of a dilemma. I want this Billie Eilish cake made for my birthday this month, as I saw on Instagram but my mom said I need to have a party to have that type of cake and I want it so bad, but I don't like parties sooooo what do I dooooo?😩 Billie? Or break out of my comfort zone?😤


but, how is everyone doing or feeling today? I hope that you are safe and very healthy🤍 I wuvvvv you to the moooonnn and backkkk😩😤🤍💍 

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