Chapter 66

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Toni huffed as she slammed the mail on the counter where her wife was sitting.

Cheryl looked up and raised her perfectly shaped eyebrow, she could feel anger radiating off of her wife.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong? Or am I supposed to read your mind?" she asked, sipping from the mug in her hands.

"I have a question." Toni states.

"Okay...?" Cheryl chuckled, looking around Toni to check on their kids who were watching Tv, Hunter holding Aliana in his lap. The redhead smiled before looking back up at her wife who was glaring at her.

"What is it my love?" she finally asked and set her mug down.

"You put Hunter in the after school program after we agreed that we wouldn't put that much pressure on him?" the soccer player asked

"Okay, I know. I know. But I wanted to test it out first." the redhead said and turned to her wife.

"Cher, I thought we were over this!" she yelled.

Cheryl raised her eyebrow at the woman, a warning for her to lower her tone. Toni sighed and looked into the living room to see Hunter looking into the kitchen. He could tell Toni was angry so Toni gave him a reassuring smile and he looked back at the Tv, keeping his sister distracted.

The tanned woman huffed and turned to look at her wife. "Why would you do that?" she asked.

"Because Hunter needs an after-school activity," she replied.

"I'm confused, Cheryl. Because you literally said last week that you didn't want to put pressure on him now look."

Cheryl rolled her eyes at her wife, "Did you or did you not forget that he is my son too?"

"Yes! I'm aware of that but we made a mutual agreement. You went behind my back, Cheryl."

She let out a huff, "That was a very hypocritical move, Cher." she states through gritted teeth. Cheryl hummed, taking another drink from her mug.

"I want to know why you're getting so mad?" Cheryl scoffed.

The couple was so busy bickering that they didn't see Hunter watching them with a frown. He can tell from body language and the way his mother's face was red that they were arguing. He hated that.

Even though they told him that sometimes they get angry at each other, it's normal, he still hated it.

"I can't believe you right now, Toni. What hell has gotten into you?" Cheryl aske.

"What's gotten into me?! Hunter doesn't need the pressure of after school on him. He's three!" the brunette growled.

Cheryl scoffed, "You weren't saying that when we enrolled him into school in the first place. That's pressure."

"Don't flip this on me. Hunter loves to learn, it's not pressuring him, he would've told us." Toni says.

Cheryl rolled her eyes, tired of this conversation already, "If Hunter says he doesn't want after school then we can take him out of it. If not, then it's what he wants at the end of the day."

"It's whatever." Toni scoffed, walking into the living.

"Hey, lovies, wanna go get ice cream?" she asked them.

Aliana's small face light up as she made grabby hands at Toni.

"Yes! I want ice cream!" Hunter nodded.

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