Chapter 5

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Toni raised her eyebrow at her best friend as she stomped up to her. "Everything ok-" Toni started but Betty cut her off.

"I'm sick of this. Cheryl has something she wants to tell you, so let's go." Betty said, shutting Toni's locker before grabbing Toni's arm and pulling her towards the blue and gold room.

"You two aren't leaving this room until you say what you have to say." The blonde huffs before closing the door and locking them inside.

"Doesn't she knows we can unlock it from the inside?" Toni raised her eyebrow at Cheryl who was blushing and trembling nervously at Toni's presence. Toni sighed, leaning against the table, "So...what was it you wanted to tell me?" Toni asked.

Cheryl took a deep breath, "T-the secret." She got out.

Toni nodded for the redhead to continue. "I..." Cheryl closed her eyes before blurting out, "I have the biggest crush on you." She said clearly. No stutters, no interruptions, she just said it.

She opened one eye, seeing Toni get up from the table before she closed it again. She couldn't face the girl, she wanted to run off but she knew Betty was standing outside the door.

She jumped slightly when she felt Toni grab her hand softly, "Open your eyes." Toni whispered.

"I-I'm scared," Cheryl said as Toni grabbed both of her hands. "It's okay...just open them." Toni said gently.

Cheryl opened her eyes, staring back into the brown ones. She wanted to swim in those pools of brown all the time. "I have a crush on you too. I like you too." Toni nodded making Cheryl's face heat up.

"Y-You-You do?" The blue-eyed girl said making Toni smile. "Would you maybe go on a date with me?" Toni asked, tilting her head.

Cheryl giggled shyly, "I-I'd like that." The redhead said. Toni nodded, leaning up to kiss Cheryl's crimson-colored cheek before walking towards the door, "I'll text you for deets. Later, Cher." Toni smiled before leaving out.

Cheryl waved. And once the door closed she started doing a dance making Betty laugh as she entered the room.

"I'm guessing it went well?" The blonde asked. Cheryl nodded, "So well! She asked me on a date!" Cheryl said excitedly.

"See! I told you, Cher!" The newspaper writer said.


"I got a date!" Toni told her father as they sat and ate dinner. Marie smiled as she served their food, "That's amazing, mija." The woman smiled, patting Mr. Topaz's shoulder as she placed the plate in front of him.

He gives her a smile before looking at Toni, "That's great, Anty. Is it the same girl you told me about?" He asked, digging into his food.

"Yeah. I was super nervous while asking her, I was trying to play it cool." Toni said making her father smile. "That's awesome. Glad you got the girl of your dreams." He smiled.

Toni smirked, "So what's going on with you two?" She asked, pointing at between them with her fork.

Andrew choked on his water making Marie pat his back gently. Toni laughed, shaking her head, "You okay, Dad?" She asked.

He nodded, breathing heavily, "Sorry about that, ladies." He said. Toni shrugged, "You didn't answer my question..." Toni added.

Andrew looked at Toni before looking back at Marie, "Well...I asked Marie on a date." He nodded.

"Finally! He comes to his senses!" Toni cheered. "I'm so happy for you two!" She added.

"Thanks, mija. So why don't you tell us about this girl?" Marie smiled as she cut into her meatloaf.


"I got a date," Cheryl said shyly when her mother asked how her day was. "What?! Who is she?!" Jason asked and Cheryl chuckled.

"You met her the other day, Jay." Cheryl said. And Jason calmed down, "Toni? Oh, she's very sweet. Go for it." He smiled.

Penelope laughed before speaking, "That's cute, Cher. When is it?" Penelope asked.

"Oh." Cheryl swallowed her meatball, "I don't know yet." She finished. Madison huffed, "She can date but I can't?!" She asked Jason who shrugged.

"Sorry, baby sis. I don't have time to crush any dude's face." He said, "I have a son and a wife." The redhead said, ruffling his sister's hair.

"I-I have something to say." Madison looked down. Penelope smiled giving her a nod.

"I-I'm bisexual, but-but more into g-girls." She said. Cheryl smiled while Jason stood up, "Yes! See Cher, you own me 30 bucks! Come here, you!" He said, picking Madison up out of her seat.

"Jason put me down!" The 15-year-old redhead giggled as he tickled her side, "Oh! I want in!" Cheryl giggled, standing up with her mother who chased after Jason.

Later That Night

Cheryl was sitting on her bed, working on her calculus homework. Her phone went off announcing that she received a message.

Toni😘[7:34 PM]: Hey.

The redhead squealed like she did the night before when Toni had texted her. Her face turned red as she started typing back.

Cheryl[7:34]: Hi

Toni😘[7:35]: So about that pops won't be home so I was thinking we go out to frozen yogurt then go back to mines and watch a movie in my room. Does that sound okay? We can watch it in the home theater if you don't want that.

Cheryl[7:36]: That sounds awesome. You have a home theater?

Toni😘[7:36]: Yeah...I didn't tell you. I'm very rich. Well, my pops is. I hope that doesn't change anything, I really like you.

Cheryl[7:36]: No, That's completely fine. I really like you too.

Toni😘[7:37]: so how does Friday night sound?

Cheryl[7:38]: Amazing. I'll see you tomorrow☺️

Toni😘[7:38]: Later gorgeous😉

Cheryl giggled like a schoolgirl before shutting her books close and heading to bed.

Both girls smiling as they drifted into dreamland.

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