Chapter 55

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"No." Cheryl shook her head and Toni groaned, "Fucking hell, Cher! Who are you to tell me what to do?!" Toni slammed her hand on the marble counter.

"Toni, motorcycles are fucking scary! I will not let my fucking wife get on one! Especially after having a baby!?" Cheryl scoffed and turned her back on the woman.

Toni rolled her eyes, resting her hand on her big pregnancy bump. Baby girl was ready any day now, they actually have to get going to their last ultrasound.

"I can't believe you right now! You know how badly I've been wanting one and now that I want to buy one you don't support it?!" Toni yelled.

"Hunter, baby, come on," Cheryl called for their son.

"No, Cher, we're talking about this right now." The brunette demanded. "Toni, no, no motorcycle. I'm sorry but I can't let you get on one." Cheryl said calmly.

"Why not?" Toni pressed. "Why not? You always say go for what you want-"

"I almost lost my mother in a motorcycle crash!" Cheryl yelled, shutting the brunette up. Toni's mouth dropped in shock, in their 11 years of being together, the redhead never told her this.

Hunter stood at the doorway, his eyes watering because Cheryl yelled. "Aww, baby, don't cry." Cheryl cooed, going to pick up the tiny Toni.

"We'll be in the car." The redhead mumbled, grabbing the keys to the jeep. When the door shut, Toni let out a sigh.

Toni went to put on her slip on vans and grabbed her phone before leaving, being sure to lock the door behind her. "Then soon, baby sister will be here and her car seat will go right there." Cheryl told Hunter as she buckled him into his seat.

"Little sister there." He repeated. Cheryl nodded and smiled, kissing his forehead, "Exactly, bub. You're so smart." She said while Toni got into the passenger seat.

Cheryl closed his door and got it in the car, not saying a word as she started the car. It's like this after they would argue. Cheryl gives Toni her space and Toni gives Cheryl her space, then once everything dies down, they sit and talk about it.

Hunter didn't like when they'd argue and the mothers try not to do it in front of him, but it's hard when he's always around.

Cheryl or Toni would have to explain to him that sometimes couples fight, even married ones. The two year old, going on three in three months, only knew that they were yelling and he could never understand why.

"Mommy." Hunter mumbled, kicking his tiny feet as he looked at the redhead. "Mmm?" She hums, keeping her eyes on the road.

"I hunger." He says. (A/N: I say this all the time and it's stuck because I have my family saying it too😭)

"Alright, bug, we have to get to your sister's appointment first, then we'll eat. Okay?" She said, stopping at a red light.

"Otay, mommy." He says and the rest of the car ride is silent.


"Yep, she's ready to come out. She's in position and everything." Dr. Sanders chuckled, moving the transducer probe over the brunette's bump.

"Okay, so recently my breast has been very tender, is it because she's coming soon or?" Toni asked.

"Yes, your body is getting ready for breastfeeding. If you don't want to breastfeed, you can always pump." She explained.

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