Chapter 24

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"Nervous?" Toni giggled at her father as she entered the room.

He looked through the mirror, finding his daughter in her dress. His smiled grew as he turned around, " look so beautiful." He whispered.

"Don't cry, dad. We don't need any of that." Toni chuckled, fixing his bow tie. "You look amazing." Toni nodded.

He smiled at her, one that said 'thank you' "Well, grandma told me to come to get you since we're about to start." Toni divulged.

"I'm ready." Andrew declared. Toni smiled, leading her father out. Once he was at the front, Toni took a seat between her grandfather and grandmother. Her grandmother kissed her cheek and smiled at her. When Toni was born they didn't want anything to do with her, leaving her father with nothing. But when they got to hold her at a family gathering, they regretted their decision. But they have been in her life since she was 3 months.

Toni looked back and locked eyes with her girlfriend and smiled, earning a kiss blown at her. Toni pretended to catch it, placing it on her chest making Cheryl smile wider.

Music started playing forcing everyone to stand up. Then the ceremony began.


"I'm still not over how beautiful you look, baby," Toni whispered to Cheryl. They sat at the table with Emily, Betty, Veronica, and Kevin, whose parents were two tables away.

Cheryl blushed, "You look beautiful too." The redhead giggled. Before Toni could speak again, the sound of glass clinking made them look over at the source of the sound.

"Ladies and gentleman, I'd like to announce Mr and Mrs. Topaz! As they have their first dance as a newly wedded couple." Toni's grandfather announced, clapping along with everyone as her parents walked out with the biggest smiles on their faces.

"They look so happy!" Emily said gleefully. Toni smiled, "I know. This is the happiest I've seen him since my mother." Toni said and Cheryl squeezed her thigh.

"I want that." Betty sighed and Veronica chuckled, "Soon, baby, soon."

Toni and Emily laughed while Cheryl and Kevin shook their heads at the laughing girls. "Feel free to join them on the dance floor." Toni's uncle said into the mic before taking his wife's hand.

Toni turned to Cheryl, "May I have this dance?" She held her hand out.

Cheryl blushed and nodded, standing up with Toni. They walked over to the dance floor, Toni bringing Cheryl close to her as she held her waist, and Cheryl's arms locked themselves around Toni's neck.

Cheryl smiled blissfully, sighing into Toni's embrace. "I love you, Cher," Toni whispered, pulling away to look into blue-sparkling-eyes.

"I love you, TT." She replied, kissing her softly before resting her head back on her girl's chest. The music stopped and they pulled away to clapped for the wedded couple.

Andrew went onto the small stage, his hand in his wife's. "Ladies, gents, my wife has something to ask a special someone. Anty, could you come up here, please?" He smiled.

Toni looked at Cheryl who shrugged. The brunette walked onto the stage with a raised eyebrow. Andrew smiled as Marie handed Toni an envelope.

Toni raised her eyebrow with a shrug before opening the envelope. She chuckled as she read over the paper, "You want to be my other guardian?" The brunette asked, tears pricking her eyes.

Marie smiled with a nod, looking up at Andrew, "We talked about it, and it's been something I've been wanting to do since I first held you. Now, I'm not trying to replace your mother, and you don't have to accept. But I just wanted to fill in the parental role." She explained and Toni launched at her, hugging her tightly.

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