Chapter 99

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Didn't proof read, sorryyyy

Hunter stirred as the morning sun reflected against his face. He squinted his eyes at the light, groaning in annoyance while doing so.

He opened his blue eyes before shutting them quickly, pulling his space-themed duvet cover over his face. He heard shuffling downstairs and then his eyes popped out, remembering what today was.

Today, he turns 12. And his momma turns 39. He always enjoyed this day but not because it was his birthday, because it was his momma's birthday. Sharing the same day as the brunette meant the absolute world to him, even when growing up. They've always been close, but this day brought them closer.

Grinning widely, he pulled his cover off of him before his feet hit the ground. He quickly slipped on his slippers before padding toward his door with excitement written all over his maturing face.

"Yes, and I need another cake with Hunter. That's H-U-N-T-E-R." Cheryl speaking on the phone filled his ears as he descended the stairs.

Once he reached the first level, he entered the kitchen, his eyes scanning the room for a certain brunette. He spotted the woman near the coffee maker.

Hearing someone charging at her, Toni turned around and laughed, embracing Hunter when he was within arm's length. "Happy Birthday, momma," he murmurs into her silky night blouse.

"Thank you, Hunty. Happy birthday to you too." she ran her fingers through curly bushy hair. Cheryl smiled at the sight of the two of them. She felt her heart swell with all the love she has for the two of them.

Today is a special day. Not only for her wife but for her too. She gave birth to Hunter 12 years ago, yet it feels just like yesterday.

She watched as the two pulled away and Hunter turned to meet her matching blue eyes. He rushed over to hug her as well, tightening his arms around her. The redhead chuckled softly and rubbed his back with her free hand, the other holding her phone.

"Thank you for having me," he said making the couple laugh. "Of course, baby. You will always be our first love, okay?"

He nodded against her upper stomach before pulling away. "I can't believe you're twelve..." his mother shook her head. "It's just so crazy to me." she giggled.

"He's growing up." Toni pouted as she brought her coffee mug up to her lips. "I remember when you were born. You were this yellow thing with a mop of curly reddish brown hair."

"I was yellow?" he tilted his head in question.

"So yellow." Cheryl piped in. "We thought you'd be a lot lighter when you got older. Then you started to gain a mix of both of our complexions. Mostly momma's though."

"You were so adorable though. With your little nose and fingers." Toni smiled. "It feels just like yesterday, doesn't it, baby?" she met those blue eyes she fell in love with the moment she laid eyes on them.

"It sure does. I remember all of it. We were in there for a while. I even had the nurses and doctors sing happy birthday to momma."

"Really?" their oldest son laughed and took a seat at the island, wanting to hear more.

"Mhm. I wished for your eyes to be just like mommy's. I always wanted blue-eyed children."

"Now you have 4 in a half if you count Alia's blue flecks in her eyes." her wife added on. "It was so weird though. When Alia was about three, her eyes were light brown, with no flecks just yet."

Hunter looked between his parents with astonishment. He didn't know how they remembered all of this but he is loving every bit of it.

If you couldn't tell already, Hunter is very family oriented. He loves being around his family. Whether it's hanging out with his aunts, cousins, his grandparents. He cherished every single moment.

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