Chapter 17

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Cheryl opened the Villa door with a laugh while Toni talked about Mrs. Sanderson's temporary bald head.

"She-" Cheryl stopped taking as she stopped in her tracks, looking over the rose petals that led to the bedroom. Toni locked the Villa door before following her girlfriend.

"TT...what is all this?" Cheryl asked above a gentle whisper as she felt Toni's hand snake around her waist. "Well, I brought a promise ring for a very beautiful girl."  The brunette kissed up her neck making the pale girl's neck hairs stand.

Toni pulled away, reaching for the box that was in the middle of their bed. She smiled, patting the bed. Cheryl nervously took a seat, her stomach filling with butterflies when Toni's hand tangled in hers. "Well, this isn't a proposal, like my dad's but-" Cheryl shook her head, "I love it anyways."

That calmed Toni down a bit. She cleared her throat, "We've been together for almost 4 months now and each day my love for you grows fonder. So, I wanted to give you this..." Toni trailed, opening the black box to reveal the prettiest promise ring.

"TT. Oh my god." Cheryl whispered, her hands coming up to cover her mouth in awe.

"I have a lot of promises I want to make and I want to keep them as long as we are together. I promise to love you, take care of you when needed, to kiss away all of your fears, be there for you in time of need. I promise to be faithful to you. I promise that I'd spend every waking moment making sure you feel beautiful and loved. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, so do you accept these promises to you?" Toni asked nervously.

"Is that even a question?! Of course, I will!" Cheryl squealed. Toni smiled and slid the ring on her finger. Cheryl giggled as Toni pulled her into her lap.

Cheryl looked at the ring on her finger while Toni stared at the girl in her lap with all the love in the world.

Cheryl looked up at her, wrapping her arms around Toni's neck. "Thank you so much, TT," Cheryl whispered.

"For what?" Toni asked, her hands rubbing up Cheryl's bare sides. "For loving me," Cheryl whispered, resting her head on Toni's.

"Forever and always." Toni replied, pecking her lips. She was caught by surprise when Cheryl pulled her back in for a passionate and slow kiss.

Cheryl moaned lowly, tilting her head to deepen the kiss. Her body heated up when she felt Toni's tongue pass through her lips.

Their tongues battled for dominance and a Toni cupped Cheryl's face as she won dominance.

Cheryl leaned forward, causing Toni to fall back on the bed, "I want you, TT." Cheryl whispered eagerly.

Toni's heart fluttered, "A-Are you sure, baby? We don't ha-" Cheryl cut her off. "I'm sure. I've never been this sure in my life." The redhead mumbled against Toni's lips.

Toni nodded, sitting up as she pulled Cheryl up to the pillows of the bed, crashing her lips onto her girlfriend's. Toni pulled off Cheryl's purple funnel, throwing the shirt somewhere in the room.

Cheryl breathed heavily as Toni kissed down her neck, her eyes closing at the sensation of Toni's lips on her soft pale skin.

She felt her bikini top loosen, "Is this okay?" Toni asked, pulling down the garment to reveal perfect flush breast.

"TT...I-If it wasn't I would've told you." Cheryl said, her breathing still heavy, "It's okay." Cheryl confirmed.

Toni smiled before taking her lips between hers as she massaged perky pink nipples. Cheryl moaned into her girlfriend's mouth, arching her body into her touch.

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