Chapter 58

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Cheryl groaned as she was woken up for the 3rd time that night. Aliana's small whimpers and cries blasting in her ear as the baby monitor sat on her bedside table.

The redhead sighed, quickly muting the monitor as she got up and pulled on her robe. She looked over to make sure her wife wasn't woken up by their daughter's cries and sighed when she saw the brunette's light breathing.

With a yawn, she exits their room and walked down the hall, into Aliana's nursery. "Shh, shh, okay, baby. I'm here, my love." She cooed, reaching inside the crib to pick her up.

"Hey, beautiful, tell momma what's wrong." She murmured, gently swaying to soothe the 7-day-old.

When Aliana tried to suck on her shirt, she chuckled, "Alright, let's go see if mommy pumped some milk for you."

As she passed by Hunter's room, she peeked inside and smiled when she say the tiny brunette sound asleep as he hugged Mr. Bear. He loved that teddy more than the couple did. He loved when Toni's voice would sound from it.

Shutting his door, she shushed Aliana's small cries of attention as she made her way into the kitchen to find a bottle.

When she opened the fridge, she sighed with relief when she saw 4 filled bottles at the front. She didn't want to wake up Toni, knowing the brunette needed her rest.

She warmed up the bottle, testing the temperature on her arm. When it was perfect enough, she cradled the tiny brunette in her arms and placed the bottle in her mouth.

Aliana cooed as she started drinking, her need for milk decreasing slowly. The redhead carried her into the living room, Nala wagging her tail happily.

"Hey, girl." Cheryl greeted in a whisper, "Shh." She gently hushed the dog's happy whimpers.

As Aliana shut her eyes, Cheryl shut hers too, pure exhaustion filling her body. She didn't fall asleep, though, knowing that Aliana is in her arms.

When she heard the tiny girl grunt, she opened her eyes to see that the bottle was now empty. "Wow, you were really hungry, huh?" Cheryl chuckled, resting her on her shoulder so can get her to burp.

After doing so and chuckling at how cute the little burp sounded, Cheryl went back upstairs into her nursery.

"Okay, can you go back to sleep so momma can get some rest?" The redhead whispered and grabbed the blanket that was draped over the crib, sitting in the rocking chair they moved from Hunter's room.

"Sleepytime." She whispered and starting gently rocking in the chair as she stared down at the tiny Toni.

"Cher...?" She heard a whisper. Cheryl looked up at her name being called and smiled when she saw her wife standing at the door.

Toni chuckled when she saw the small fingers wiggling out from behind the blanket. "She was crying again, so I fed her, now I'm trying to get her back to sleep." Cheryl sighed as Toni went to stand beside her.

Toni looked over her shoulder and smiled, "Hi, baby." She whispered. Cheryl yawned causing Toni to frown. "Lemme have her, babe." She says.

"It's fine, baby. Get back to bed." The redhead mumbled.

Toni went around the chair and gently scooped their daughter out of her redheaded wife's arms, "Get some sleep, love. I'll call in for you." She says as Aliana starts to whine.

Toni looked down at the girl to see what was wrong, but she was just tired.

Cheryl sighed and got up, "Alright." She whispered, pecking Toni's lips and mumbled 'goodnight'

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