Chapter Fifteen

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I found myself gripping the steering wheel of my car as I parked outside of Cailen's house, waiting impatiently to grow some balls. When my phone buzzed with a call from Cassie, I immediately picked up, only to be greeted by Elle demanding that I picked her up this morning. She sounded giddier than usual on the phone and it ended with Cassie undoubtably hearing the call and demanding that Elle stopped.

Being outside made me hesitant to in, after all, she wasn't the one who asked for me. What if I went in and she decided to stay away again? Was it too much of a risk?

Fuck it, I'm going in.

Before I could change my mind, I walked to the door and uncertainty bubbled inside of me. If I didn't knock at that moment, I never would. About a minute after tapping, Elle came to the door.

"Landon? What are you doing here?" She asked. It was safe to assume that she had no recollection of calling me last night and certainly had no idea she was the one to order me to come over.

"I came for Cassie." As I said it, her eyes widened and I figured she remembered the entire conversation.

"Alright, you little player, come on in." She stepped out of the way for me to walk inside and I found Cailen making a tonne of bagels in her kitchen.

Once she turned to acknowledge me, she briefly saluted me then went back to it without a word. Cailen was at her quietest when she was hungover. On the counter were three cups of coffee, so I took it upon myself to grab one and drink it for myself.

When I woke up this morning, I barely had time to shower, so I had to quickly wash and leave immediately after. Chase was left still sleeping in the guest room and I could only hope he would remember to lock up before he left.

Adrian was the one who woke me, reminding me to come here as though I would've forgotten, then let himself out.

Of course I wouldn't forget.

If Cassie didn't want me to come, wouldn't she have at least texted me and let me know not to? Probably. I was being too paranoid about it.

Being worried about a girl was so unfamiliar to me, and I wasn't sure whether or not I liked it. In the past, I had one girlfriend. Everything else was simply casual dates and I never cared too much what happened with them. Nothing else was strictly official. My options were always open and I liked it like that, but it had been almost two months since I looked at another girl in that way.

Out of nowhere, Cailen snatched the coffee back right as I was taking a sip. "Make your own!"

"Alright, calm down, crazy." I stood and did as she said once she left the room, one drink in each hand. Finally, I sat down with my own coffee and Elle walked in to grab one too.

I was about to greet her a little better than I did before (not that I even did before) but then she laid her head down onto the table with a groan, prompting me to question her instead.

"What's up, Sanders?" I asked.

"Shitty hangovers. I swear, I am not going anywhere today." She desperately gulped down her coffee with tired eyes and placed her head back down.

"Not even to see Adrian?" I pushed, seeing if she would mention anything that he had already told me.

Suddenly, she looked more awake and her mouth opened, struggling for words. "He told you!" Maybe I shouldn't have said it whilst her head was likely pounding. "I'm going to kill him, just you see."

I nodded up and down, not wanting to drag it on any longer in fear of my head being dismantled from my neck. Blissful silence filled the room and I thought I was in the clear to carry on enjoying my coffee. As soon as I lifted the cup, she started again.

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