Chapter Fourty Three

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"So I take it everything is good between you two now?" Adrian asked me.

From the time that he helped me and Landon get back on track, he and I had started talking more. When we were all together after the game, we discovered how we actually had a lot more in common than what I initially thought.

We both majored in business and our families worked heavily in real estate. Well, mine were more real estate, his were hotels. CEOs of their own franchise to be more specific, all for him to inherit.

"I still don't know how to thank you for it. It's never been more perfect between us." I responded.

"Cassie, for the last time, you don't need to thank me. It wasn't exactly a hassle and I was tired of seeing my best friend so miserable. I don't know what you do but it's definitely something magical to make him the way he is." His eyes widened as though he was thinking of some wild stories.

"What do you mean?" I couldn't help myself. Maybe Adrian had even more stories to tell about Landon that I was yet to know about.

"Sometimes I forget that you never knew him before summer. He's definitely happier now, there's no denying it."

Adrian wasn't telling me anything I hadn't already heard a thousand times before. If I had a dollar for every time someone told me how much happier he is, my net worth would double. As much as I loved it, there always seemed to be something off about the way it was said. I could never put my finger on what exactly it was.

The two of us decided that it made sense to spend some time getting to know each other better. After all, with the series of mutual friends, it was shocking that we were so distant.

Which left us conversation over our classes more than anything else. With finals in at the end of the academic year, we were going through a lot of practice exams and settled on scheduling study periods. Two birds with one stone.

Only five days had passed since the game and already we warmed up to each other. Elle was constantly asking if he ever mentioned her, the exact same way that he asked about her. Being caught up in the middle wasn't my intention, regardless of that, I still ended up being a little messenger.

Whilst it didn't make sense seeing as they still spoke to each other, I did it anyway. It's the least I could do.

"You might be able to help me with something," I announced, remembering what I was itching to find out a week ago.

"What's that?"

"I'm trying to have a designated Landon cabinet in my house." I gave him context to the question before asking so he didn't think I was obsessed. "I need to know his favorite snacks to surprise him. When I was staying with him he did a similar thing for me, it only seems fair."

Thinking back over the question, it would've come across exactly the same with or without the background.

Several moments went by as he thought about it until he simply responded: "Anything with peanut butter. The dude has some weird addiction to it. So does his sister, when you meet her remember to be stocked up."

I already knew he liked it, not as much as Adrian was making it out to be. Surely if that was the case then it wouldn't be too hard to find some.

"I'll send you a photo of the ones he always makes me have in. They're his favorite." He continued.

Bless Adrian and everything he had done. His cold exterior was simply a facade and he was definitely a sweetheart underneath it all. Elle always talked about how selfless he was towards those around him and I felt privileged to experience it first hand.

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