Chapter Fifty

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Spending two days with Mal flew over, and she was already headed back to Vancouver.

We started to simply bond over little things like cooking a meal together, watching tv shows we were both interested in, and discussing our own teen years.

Then she was gone. We agreed that she would come and visit again soon, though I was due to go back to Vancouver soon to continue settling everything of Dad's. If I went there before she came here, then I would get to see where she lived instead.

Landon hadn't seen me since the morning she showed up and he was waiting for me to tell him everything about Mallory.

We agreed to spend a few days at his apartment, we were at mine all the time and I missed the comfort of his environment. After he said he didn't have much for us to eat at his, I suggested a shopping trip to stock up. He was on his way over to pick me up and I was far more excited than necessary. 

Later today I had a closing shift at the coffee house, but I still had a few hours before I needed to leave.

Landon Rivers: I'm outside.

I quickly locked the door and met him outside.

He stood next to the passenger side door, ready with it open. It was a colder day, he stood with a beanie and a thicker coat and I wish I had done the same thing. Once I reached him, I stood on the tips of my toes and planted a kiss on his cold lips. "Thank you, Rivers."

I sat down and he closed the door for me.

He just took us to the local grocery store, nothing fancy. I wanted to be able to make good meals with him and have him teach me more of his delicacies.

When we arrived at the grocery store, he grabbed a cart and I started telling him all about meeting Mallory.

"You know, I've been thinking." I hesitated before saying what I wanted to. "I'm considering changing my last name to Acosta, like her."

"How come?" Landon asked, looking slightly confused.

"Well, I've been wanting the separation from Pierce for a while. It wasn't even my Mom's last name, she legally kept her maiden name and only really used Mrs Pierce in a social setting. I'm not too sure yet though."

"Do you want my honest opinion?" He asked me, grabbing bread from one of the shelves.

I nodded. If I asked for honesty, I was hoping he wouldn't sugarcoat his opinion for my sake.

He sighed. "No matter what, you've always been a Pierce. It doesn't mean you're like your father, it doesn't mean you're not your mother. Maybe at the moment, it's a little bit of a rush. You've not had much contact with Mallory yet." Landon looked slightly guilty by saying what he was saying, but maybe I needed it. "You're Pierce to everyone you know. At the end of the day, one day you'll be my Mrs Rivers. It all depends on who you want to be in between that."

I blushed at the thought of him calling me Mrs Rivers. 

It wasn't going to be something I did straight away, though it was definitely playing on my mind. 

Landon was right in some way, I would still consider it for the time being. 

"It's the first day in March, do you know what that means?" He asked me as we wandered down the aisle full of fruit. I shook my head and he continued, "It's the start of spring. All the good fruits are coming back into season."

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