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Fuck me. Fuck her. Fuck everything.

I had everything, but it was slipping away by the second. I never should've given her my time, it ended just the way that everything always did. Only this time, I wasn't taking the blame. Cassie was the cause of this.

Like the idiot I was, I left her in my own apartment, not having any idea of where to go next.

Currently, my friends were her friends and I wasn't going to go see Elle, despite how much I really wanted to. She seemed the most helpful, but I couldn't take her away from Cassie even though she messed me about big time. Elle would form her own opinion when the time was right.

The guys hadn't been free for a few days and weren't supposed to be for the next. I wouldn't make them cancel for the sake of problems that would still exist by the time they could talk.

Perhaps I would be gone by the time they were available. My parents would always find space for me to stay with them and the holidays was a perfect excuse.

The world worked in mysterious ways. Nothing ever went to plan. Coco consumed me, but apparently it didn't go both ways. She never trusted me, maybe her nothing to lose attitude was partly to blame. She didn't want to gain me because it would be another casualty that she caused on her way.

Instead of making her eyes light up again, she brought me down with her. No improvements were really made, the broken countenance matched mine as I left. We wrecked each other and fell apart in sync. Almost as if it was perfectly planned.

I would've let her destroy me, the joke was she actually did and it was never worth it because our time was up. We lost.

And that's it! Part one is complete!

Landon's leaving town for a while and there was a lot of references to the prologue in this if you noticed them then love you a trillion.

Check the next authors note for information about part two of the story, they'll both be under this book :)

Check the next authors note for information about part two of the story, they'll both be under this book :)

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