Chapter Sixty Two

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Summer passed far too soon.

Graduation had come and gone, I still felt as though I only moved to Northlyn Hills a month ago. In reality, it had been over a year, meaning it was almost a year since I had met Landon.

Oh, how time flies.

As a couple, we were moving forward very quickly. It had been a few months since I asked Landon to move in with me and we had done just that. We continued to drive around the neighbourhood I fell in love with at first sight and did our research into the few that were up for sale, but none of them were exactly what I wanted. Three weeks later, another one came up from a family who were moving out to make space for a second child and we jumped at the opportunity.

It was a cozy little two-bedroomed house made of stone bricks with huge bay windows. All of the ground floor was open plan and the open fire in the living room made it extremely snug and homey. Even the garden, which was huge, was a dream. We had so much space and a large seating area on the paved square outside the door, the rest of the outside being grass. The floor-to-ceiling windows in the kitchen gave us the perfect view out every morning. Even our bedroom was amazing with all new furniture, we settled on a white wooden sleigh bed and matching furniture.

Everywhere fake plants could fit, I had them. Landon joked about me turning the house into a jungle, then continued to buy me more if he thought there was one I would like. It was perfect. We had only been in for two weeks, so not everything was how we wanted it, though we were getting there promptly.

To top it off, I had my dream office. The headquarters for Piere Estates had three floors, with grey bricks and windows everywhere. At first I feared it was too open, then once inside, I loved all of the natural light. Landon was right when he told me about the location, already, I had new clients simply from those browsing as they walked past. Screens on the bottom floor advertised us to the streets and I was rapidly building up an amazing reputation. Employees from all over Canada volunteered to relocate, giving me the best workers within the business.

Architecture was next on the list. I wanted to bring something new to the business as I took over and that was my plan. To be able to design new properties to make dreams come true, both for homes and for companies. It would take a while, I knew that, I also knew it would be worth it.

Others had approached me to offer to collaborate on our services, yet only one took priority for the moment.

"So, will Wolfe National turn into Wolfe International?" I asked Adrian, who was sitting across from me as we read over hundreds of sheets of paper to sign a simple contract.

"Hopefully, with your help. You just need to show me where I can benefit most. You can't just place a hotel somewhere and hope people stay." He said. He was taking over his grandfather's business and I offered to help out. Now, we were investing in each other and I had some shares in him. He signed Pierce Estates as his primary realtor. His faith in me was amazing, but the standards felt higher than ever before.

If I messed up any of his ideas, I'd hate myself for it, considering he wanted me personally to be the first point of contact.

"I'm sure we can work something out. Europe is a huge place with a lot of opportunities."

Adrian chuckled, already having cities in mind of where he wanted to venture. Then, a knock came on the door and I saw Landon through the glass, in a button-down shirt holding a bunch of flowers. "That's my cue to leave. I'll see you tonight, then probably every day for the next month." He rolled his eyes, glaring at the boxes stacked in the corner of the room.

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