Chapter Fourteen

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I couldn't help the smile on my face when I woke up, recalling everything from the night before.

Cassie kissed me. She actually asked me to kiss her.

What a fool I was.

After I fixed my hair as instructed, I waited a couple of minutes before leaving the bathroom, but didn't see her again for most of the night, other than towards the end before she left. Elle's car was still out front and nobody had seen her for a while. After I called her and she told me she wouldn't be back at the dorm till late, I ended up taking Coco home in my cab before going back to my apartment. I could only imagine what Elle had been doing because I hadn't seen Adrian much that night either.

Internally complaining, I sat up and opened my curtains to let the sunrise shine through. I was rarely ever awake early enough to see it. Today, I felt ready for anything.

The first thing I did was go to the kitchen and make myself some water to recover my dry mouth. I could almost feel every individual taste bud, I was so dehydrated. As I held the glass in my hand, the bandage (which was still securely attached) caught my eye. I could probably take it off, I just didn't want to. Cassie had been so careful to put it on and make sure I was okay; I didn't want it to go to waste.

I pulled my phone out to send her a text.

Me: Morning, are you alright now?

Last night she told me that she was okay, but she was understandably shaken up. I was walking through the frat house when I heard someone shout her name and eventually saw him looking around like a madman. It didn't take much to connect the dots. When she yelled and slapped him, I couldn't help myself when I pushed him to the ground and got in a few punches.

Did I regret it? Definitely not. I would do it to him over and over again. It didn't even have anything to do with Cassie, not too much anyways, it was the sheer nerve he had to disrespect someone in such a way.

I never knew her ex was Liam Becker until last night. I only had a first name. That guy made me want to pull my teeth out, everyone knew what he was like and I hated how he always got away with it.

Someone needed to put him in his place and I was proud to be the one to do so.

So long as Hailee wouldn't find out.


Chase and Adrian decided to come over later on in the day, I was a little unsure about it and anticipated them asking me about Coco. By now, they both knew who she was and could get the hint about our relationship with each other.

The door knocked and I appreciated my last moment of sweet silence.

"I've got beer," Adrian held up a crate and Chase followed behind him. "Chase doesn't have anything; you know he's the biggest downer."

Both of them instantly made themselves comfortable as if this was her home too, which I loved. It was amusing, nothing had changed from when we all became friends.

After a few drinks, we were sitting together and Chase got himself tipsy on the free alcohol.

"So, are you going to share where you got off to last night?" Chase asked, his new confidence peeking. Luckily, it wasn't towards me.

"I was... keeping Elle company." He rubbed the stubble on his jaw with hidden frustration. "She was getting uncomfortable there so I offered to take her elsewhere."

The fact that he didn't get angered by the questions was a surprise. Usually, any comments about her always got to him. Evidently, he still felt something towards her, I'm not sure whether it was guilt towards the breakup or some sort of regret. I was dying to find out what exactly happened between them.

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