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Life is all a game. If you know how to play, then maybe it wouldn't end so bad.

Nothing ever went to plan, I always wanted my fate to be my own. I never could've predicted meeting her.

When I did, I never expected to become so consumed by an intriguing girl with nothing left to lose. I thought she was broken, but she seemed to fix herself as soon as anything would attempt to knock her down. She could teach me a lot, help me become a better person.

However, what I craved was to learn more about her. Sure, she was stubborn, but she crept her way into my mind and fate clearly had its own rules when I saw her far too much for it to be a coincidence. Once again, things weren't going my way, except this time, I wasn't mad about it.

Whenever we met again, she would be oddly surprised, perhaps even embarrassed. Now, this may be because of how we first met, but she was nothing but thankful for what I did for her - at least I was nothing but thankful for what she did to me.

She took my life and turned it upside down in the best way possible.

I wanted to make her eyes light up again, knowing I caused it would feel like the ultimate power. I wanted to see what it took for her to open up just a little more, even if it meant that I had to expose myself in ways I was never willing to before. It would be worth it if it made her want to trust me like I did her.

Evidently, she was a work in progress, but aren't we all?

Running crazy and losing my mind trying to find her never could have ended more perfectly. I may not have found the right person I was aiming for, but it felt as though she was the one I was supposed to be searching for.

After so many encounters, I was convinced that it was written in the stars for us to meet. I was ready for her to destroy me, then thank her for taking the time to do so. I could only hope that her fate matched mine and would bring us together in the end once more.

Once more would be enough for us to make things right.

A small prologue for Losing Euphoria, which will be soon ready to read! For now, add it to your library and reading list so you can know when it's officially out and find out what on earth happened to draw the two together.

Follow me on Instagram @addicreates

Follow me on Instagram @addicreates

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