Chapter Thirty Seven

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As soon as I arrived back to my parent's house, I started packing. Hailee's eyes went wide as I completely ignored her presence, too busy focusing on the fact that I had to see Coco and assure her that I know everything.

Adrian sent me Elle's notebook and it explained everything. Liam had planned it all out and it went exactly how he wanted. I think the only thing that didn't go to plan was me figuring the whole thing out. I was still in disbelief that he threatened to bring Hailee into it. He was really pulling out all of the stops.

The fact that Coco did everything she could to protect me and my sister, I was astounded. She really cared and I shut it down whenever she tried to explain herself. Knowing it all now, I should've trusted her instead of calling her a liar, a cheater, and selfish.

I'm such an idiot.

I never should've doubted her. She had never given me a reason to doubt her in the past and the one time that something was off, I lost control. Sure, she was always a bit closed off and kept her guard up, but she had never wronged me or any of my friends.

Her intentions were always pure and she was my idea of perfection. One of the best things in my life was ruined because I gave her no credibility.

"What was that about?" Hailee stormed after me and threw my door open, slamming it against the wall.

"Are you leaving soon?" I questioned, throwing everything into my suitcase. "I'm coming with you."

Where was my charger?

I'll just buy another one.

She took a shirt out of my hand and threw it on the floor. "Earth to Landon. Are you even listening to me? Did that tattoo artist inject you with amphetamines?"

"You rarely inject amphetamines."

Not that I had ever taken them. There were a lot of people down at the station in holding cells that were high on everything they could get their hands on.

"If you want to be taken back to Northlyn then you better screw your head back on and tell me what has happened in the past couple of hours to get you like this."

"Cassie happened. Everything I thought about her was wrong and I need to get to her as soon as I can."

Her face instantly lit up. Hails was the only person in my family who knew about Coco and she was always so hopeful when I talked about her.

"I'll tell Jackson to start putting our things in the car, get everything together as quick as you can and I'll drop you at yours on the way." She left the room whilst she was still mumbling, causing me to miss anything said after that.

Glad to see that she was on board with this just as much as I was.

My bags were packed quickly and Jackson had clearly been forced once again to help out. That guy would do absolutely anything for my sister and as much as I admired him for it, I felt bad for him. Never had he ever complained about even the weirded favours she asked him to do.

During her pregnancy, she has asked him to drive over fourty five minutes to get her some specific cupcakes and he did it without any fuss.

"Don't worry, I can carry my own bags," I said.

"Oh, I know. If Hailee sees me coming down the stairs empty-handed, she'll think I'm slowing down the process and ruining your chances at life."

That seemed like something she would say. Her head was always in the clouds. People who didn't know her wouldn't believe how intelligent and educated she was. The little things in life were amazing to her. My relationship with Coco was fascinating to her and she was rooting for a happy ending like we were in a movie.

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