Chapter Fifty Four

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Last night, Cassie was a mess. She held everything in for the entire dinner and as soon as we got back to her house, she burst out crying as she leaned against the door. She choked through sobs trying to tell me what she said.

What killed me was when she looked at me with tear-filled, bloodshot eyes and asked, "Why can't I just have a parent who can stay with me?"

I soothed her to sleep, scratching her back and playing with her hair. Despite my relationship with my parents being rocky, I could confidently say that it was better than whatever Cassidy had. Hell, my parents are my blood and they're both alive. That was already a one-up.

Then this morning, she had an early alarm and dressed very business-like, which I had never properly seen before but could definitely get used to.

As she wanted, she informed me she was going to visit Pierce Estates and see how things were going there. That left me alone. A big house that would soon be empty and nothing to do.

Cassie did give me the option to go and see Kristen, as much as I liked her, I didn't want to intrude on her day. It would only be for an hour at most, I'm sure I could work something out.


Nope, nothing.

This house was boring by myself.

I picked up my phone and dialled one of the few numbers on my favourites.

Within two rings, a sarcastic voice greeted me. "Enjoying your honeymoon, Rivers?"

"I'm bored as fuck Adrian. It's not much of a honeymoon when your girlfriend has sold her house and then spent the last night in tears because her mom doesn't want to be her mom." I sighed, rubbing my fingers through my hair.

"Shit, is she okay?" He turned from joking to genuinely concerned. "Maybe I could talk to her and tell her that it's not all bad for your parents to not like you."

Absolutely not. "I don't want her turning out like you."

He laughed through the phone, not insulted in the slightest.

"Why do you even have the time to call?" Adrian asked after a short pause.

"Cassie has gone to the base branch of her father's business. She wants to see how it's going and look into moving the base closer to Northlyn. Well, in Northlyn really." I seated myself on the sofa and laid out. "I couldn't exactly go with her, so I'm left in her house to do absolutely nothing."

Adrain laughed on the other end of the line. "Well, as much as I would love to entertain you, Landon, I'm leaving in like five minutes to pick up Cailen."

Typical, just when he could really help me in my time of boredom, I'm left stuck to my own devices - or lack of.

Groaning, I said my goodbyes. "Well, I hope your day is as boring as mine."

Once again, he chuckled and then hung up the phone.

What a time.

For what felt like forever, I decided to help Cassie out by starting to pack things that she wanted to move (things that she had already told me she wanted to move, I wouldn't start packing random things). Things like blankets, photos, and anything that would fit into the boxes she had ready.

There were so many pictures of her as a child, with adorable chubby cheeks, and big bold eyes when she would have been no older than four.

I occasionally thought about what our kids would look like, these images made me hope they looked like her.

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