Chapter Twenty Five

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"Just get in the car." I groaned at a barefoot Elle.

"Tell him to sit in the back." She commanded, pointing to Adrian. Poor guy was just wanting to get home, he was stuck carrying all of her belongings that she dropped on the way. They both had enough to tolerate each other and even have a bit of entertainment.

It would be a challenge to get them both home considering the distance between them all. Another rule of us going out, if the driver didn't want to go to everyone's place for a drop-off, they will find somewhere to sleep at their house. If they wanted to be in their own bed, they should've taken themselves there.

Elle slept for most of the ride, but woke up just in time to go to the apartment so she didn't have to be carried. She padded slowly behind us across the lobby with a slight stumble from the weariness. I had to hold the elevator for her three times by the time she made it towards us, being so quiet we forgot she was still with us.

When we got into the apartment, I threw my jacket on the chair by the door and headed off to bed.

"I'll sleep in the guest room, you sleep wherever." I dismissed myself, but not before Elle had some teasing.

"You mean Cassie's room?" She said, prompting a questioning grin from Adrian.

Groaning, I carried on walking down the hall. "Goodnight."

Both of them laughed behind me and I vaguely heard Adrian say something about me being head over heels. He would know. Instead of replying with something witty, I ignored it, knowing that it would be a losing game.

Truth be told, I had been sleeping in Coco's bed since she left. Initially, it was just a one-off thing because my sheets were getting cleaned and I didn't want to change them so late on, but after the first night, I seemed to sleep better there. It was something about her scent being able to relax me, like some sort of drug - I was becoming obsessed.

I needed some sort of control.


Rackets of pots and pans hitting something startled me suddenly out of my sleep. At first, I didn't want to get up but after realising I wasn't in a dream, I knew I needed to check it out. Vexed, my feet dragged down the hall with minimal feeling in my legs considering I had been awake for about thirty seconds.

A stack of pans was thrown across the kitchen floor, hinting at why I was able to hear it from over the other side of the apartment. The walls were already thin, when cookware was hitting the ground, it was bound to echo.

"That's your fault," Adrian said, stunned by whatever happened.

"What... what did you do?" How would one person manage to make such a mess? What was he even trying to do?

His eyes widened, pretending to be wounded by my questioning. "I was trying to find a glass to have some water. One, why move the cupboards around and two, why stack them like an idiot?"

"It makes more sense for the pans to be near the oven and the glasses to be near the sink," Coco told me that when she first stayed. It was a good point, but I didn't expect her to insist on a whole layout change. "And the stacking was just unfortunate."

Sure, I could cook, but cleaning should never be such a hassle. It became frustrating the third time round of piling them, so I stacked them as best as I could and shut the door soon enough for them to not fall out. It didn't work, but I was hoping if I left them long enough then gravity would do its thing and steady them for me. Then that asshole had to ruin it. Damn him.

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