Chapter Fourty Four

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Weeks of waiting had been and gone and it was finally the day.

Valentines Day.

Landon had given the slightest hints every now and then when we were together, however, they all seemed to hint towards different things and in the end, I stopped trying to guess. Elle also demanded that I didn't attempt to figure it out for myself because the surprises would be ruined.

When I woke up, I received a message from him saying he would pick me up in an hour and a half. I showered and prepared myself as much as possible, apart from picking out what to wear. With Elle knowing exactly what I was doing, I went to her for advice on the outfit and still had nothing.

Casual, yet not too casual. Definitely something hot whilst also something to keep me warm. Her contributions weren't helpful in the slightest.

With only ten minutes left before he would arrive, I had to quickly set on a light pair of jeans with a cropped, low-cut shirt and a black blazer to dress it up a bit more. Earlier than I expected, the apartment buzzer sounded, giving me a very limited amount of time for shoes. Landon would be up any second and even with a while to get ready, I still wasn't done.

"What are you stressing about?" He said from behind me. I never heard him walking through the door and somehow he made it in without startling me.

"Shoes. Given the fact that I know next to nothing about the day ahead, I'm not sure what you want me to wear on my feet. Or wear in general. Is this okay?" I rambled, turning around to see him holding a bunch of white roses.

In a letterman jacket with a white hoodie underneath, he stood at the door to my bedroom with a smirk on his face. "You look perfect. Wear those."

Pointing to a pair of grey boots, he came up from behind me and kissed the side of my neck lightly.

I turned around in his arms and took the flowers, bringing them to the living room and putting them in an empty vase. They would last the day without water. I'd do it tomorrow. Landon followed me, holding the shoes in his hand.

"Happy Valentine's, Coco." He gave them to me and picked his car keys up from the coffee table. "You best hurry, we have a certain time to be at the first place."

"The first place?" I asked, looking up from him whilst tying my laces.

"This is your first time having a Valentine. I'm going to give you some very high expectations for next year."

Grabbing his collar, I pulled him down to my eye level. "They're only going to be exceeded by you. Don't make it too difficult for yourself."

With a grin, he led the way out to his car. He explained that it was a long drive and that I would need to keep comfortable. After around a few hours of driving and a lot of unanswered questions, we had reached a sign welcoming us to Toronto.

"What's in Toronto?" I asked.

"You'll see." He clearly wasn't hinting anything to me. I gave up and leaned my head against the window, looking out into the city I had never visited before.

Going straight through the centre of the city, we made it to the outskirts on the other side and he pointed to what looked like a stadium from the distance we were at. The closer we were to it, the more I feel like I recognised the structure. In the middle was a track, surrounded by rows and rows of seats. It wasn't a stadium.

"Are we drag racing?" I could already feel the excitement bubbling inside of me, seeing the array of cars in the parking lot.

Landon flashed his eyes over at me with pride. "Yes, we are. I remember when your dad sent those guys after you and you told me that you've done this sort of thing before. I figured it's probably been a while and it was something we could do together."

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