Chapter Twenty Nine

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At least the message was semi-successful. Landon responded almost instantly agreeing to see me and a weight lifted from my shoulders.

I would explain everything, tell him how much I regret the way I acted and if all went well, we would be back on track after the rocky few months. Until tomorrow, my head would be a mess, thinking and planning everything I need to say and hoping he would hear me out and even listen to him because he was sure to have something to say about it all. The past few weeks had been far from fair on him.

Should I bring him a gift? Was it necessary? Something as a peace offering? Not that there wasn't peace. We were still very... peaceful.

Stop thinking about him.

But I couldn't.

Throwing a pillow over my face, I groaned. Elle wasn't even at the dorm anymore, she picked up Adrian from some bar because they all went out together and didn't trust that he wouldn't drive himself home. Instead, she went out to get him before he would leave. It didn't matter that they weren't together, she still looked out for him.

Could I really blame her? I would do that for Landon despite if things went bad, which I prayed they didn't. No matter how much I longed, the final decision was out of my hands.

There was still time, time for me to gather everything in my head to ensure a smooth turnout. Then, we would have all the time in the world to focus on better things.

Possibilities of how it could turn out spun through my head for what seemed like hours. Best case? He would listen, accept my apology and we would be fine again. Worst case, he wouldn't forgive me and I would never see him again, though that seems a little exaggerated. Still possible, but a stretch.

Elle had more faith, which was good since she knew him longer and technically knew him better. Plus, she informed me that she did speak to him herself which I wouldn't have advised, but after saying it went well I wasn't too mad, she was trying to help by any means necessary. And it was a good contribution so he didn't get even madder at me for fully ignoring him which was my original plan. I didn't want to face him again so soon.

However, no matter how uncomfortable it made me, it was the only way to fix things.

I probably sounded stupid, technically nothing awful happened, but I was still ridden with guilt because I should've done so much better by him.

Well, I still had plenty of time to overthink it all, I wouldn't be able to shut off until Elle was back. Lucky me.


She wasn't home until 3 AM and I really didn't want to ask what she was doing. When she did finally arrive, she went straight to sleep in what looked like Adrian's hoodie, and soon after I was out like a light.

Somehow, she still managed to wake up before me, and then she woke me up by hitting me with her blanket rolled into a ball.

"What are you doing?" I asked, checking the time on my phone. It was barely even eight. How did she function on five hours of sleep?

"I have a shift at the coffee house, can I please wear your shirt because mines in the laundry still." Her voice was rough and her eyes looked heavy when I glanced over. Never mind, she was barely functioning.

"Yeah sure."

"Well, where is it?" She whispered, still somehow getting louder.

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