Chapter Twelve

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"What are you doing here?" I asked, slightly wide-eyed.

I knew I would see him again, but the wait made me less... hopeful, I guess. I did hope to see him again and I hated to admit it. However, it was late and he came just as I was about to go back to my dorm.

Timing was definitely not one of his greatest strengths.

"I told you that I needed to talk." Landon shrugged as though I was stupid. I heard him the first time, but was it really that urgent that he had to do it right as this moment? No, it couldn't have been. Why? Because it had already been a week. If he was that desperate to talk about what happened it wouldn't have taken him this long.

"Then talk."

He stood up and gestured for me to follow him out of the door, grabbing the keys to the shop. "Not here, let's go for a drive."

Did they all just have free reign of this place?

I was waiting for him to guide the way to his car, but he just stood still as though he was doing the same thing.

"Do you want me to drive?" I offered, reaching out my hand for his keys.

Immediately, he pulled back and shook his head, then lead the way himself. "I thought you had your own car, Coco. No way would I let you drive mine."

Never having had my own, it baffled me. Back home, people let me drive for them. Nobody was ever fazed by it so long as I didn't crash. Here, it's like I'm crazy for thinking that they'll let it happen. They all needed to take a chill pill.

Granted, it might be because they've never seen how I drive and I could be a maniac. Still, where's the trust?

Once he showed the way and we were settled into the seats, I snatched the keys from him so he couldn't start the car. If he was going to demand that I go with him, he would tell me exactly why before we went anywhere.

"Two questions, Christian." I said, knowing how much he disliked his middle name. That wasn't something I'd ever allow myself to forget. "One, where are you taking me. Two, what is so important that it needs to be right now?"

Before even attempting to answer either of my questions, he quickly threw a hand forward and snatched the keys from my hand.

Well, that was pointless.

"All will be answered in due time Cassie. But I suppose I can tell you where we're going. I wouldn't want you to feel like you're getting kidnapped." He turned on the ignition and started driving. "We're going back to the river."

I huffed and folded my arms to make it seem like I was irritated at him. In the corner of my eyes, I saw him glance over with a smirk playing on his lips in a poor attempt to conceal his amusement. Every time we were together, I had allowed him to learn more and more about me. This time, I was the one asking questions.

"How've you been?" He asked. He didn't get an answer.

"Are you and Elle getting along?" No response.

Landon looked over once again with that same stupid smirk. I shot him a glare before looking back out of my window.

How could he convince me so easily to just go with him? It was some paranormal shit he was dealing with – I didn't believe in ghosts, but he certainly had to have something on his side. Once we arrived back again, I reached for the door handle only to have locked the car each time I went to open it.

"I'm not talking to you until you tell me what's going on." I mumbled, comfortably resting my head against the window. If we were going to be here a while, I was going to at least be somewhat comfortable.

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