Chapter Thirty Five

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Being at the dorm again brought some weird nostalgia. When I was here last, I was getting all of my stuff and moving out on my own. For me, it resembled happy moments since there had never been a time where I felt anything bad here.

My bed was made perfectly, exactly how I left it. Elle hadn't touched anything on what was once my side of the room since I had gone. The first time I came here, one of the first things that stood out to me was her photo wall.

It was all blurry and greyscale images that I couldn't see properly. I couldn't help but notice that they had now been updated. Most of them now had colour in them and a lot had me in them. A smile crept onto my face seeing how often I was featured in her little memory board. Of course, some of the old ones were still there. One in particular that I noticed was a recent one between her and Adrian.

When was that taken?

They had been seeing each other more and more as time passed and were gradually becoming more comfortable with each other, however, I didn't know they were hanging out like usual people who used to date. Something that didn't change was the sorrowful look she had on her face whenever their relationship was brought up. That was enough to know that they weren't back where they used to be.

Maybe their happy ending would come one day, despite now not being the time. For all I knew she could be working on getting her friendship back with him. Was that enough for her?

Unsure about it all, I moved the thoughts out of my head and pushed them to the back of my mind. Later. Later I could question it all.

"Enjoy your old bed before it turns into someone else's." Elle prompted, sitting on hers just like what would happen every other time we hung out here.

Someone else's?

"What are you talking about? Are you getting a new roommate?" I asked. She hadn't mentioned anything about it to me before. I know we hadn't seen much of each other, still, it's something that she would usually call me about.

"It had to happen at some point. I had the choice to have the room to myself for the rest of the year. I can't afford that. Why do you think I stayed basically the whole of the holidays at my mom's? I could barely manage it all when you were here, I'm lucky you would offer to pay for certain things for me. When the next semester starts there's going to be another girl taking over."

Her voice sounded disappointed and it could've been for so many reasons. The fact that she never came to me for help, to begin with was a surprise, then again, she wasn't the sort of person to go looking for assistance like that. When she said she was staying with her family I figured it was because of Christmas and spending time together.

Apparently not.

"Elle if you need money all you have to do is ask. Hell if you want to just move out of the dorms now and come and live with me. The offer is always there. I have what I need." I explained. She was my best friend, I wasn't going to see her go without.

"You know I can't do that. I'm managing when I have someone paying for the accommodation with me, when you moved out and they didn't have your payment, my prices went up. Once the new girl comes it'll be fine again." She tried to assure me, albeit it wasn't very convincing.

If she needed anything from me, I would give it to her. "I insist. You can either take some money or stay with me."

"You don't even have furniture, Cassie." She joked.

"That's only because I'm waiting for the movers to bring things from Vancouver. It's going to be a few more days and then it'll be fine."

Shaking her head, she pulled a bottle of water from the stash she kept and downed over half of it, then offered me one too which I took. Only then was I aware of how thirsty I was.

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