Chapter Fourty One

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Mornings had been pretty lonely recently. Living on my own was great and all, though sometimes I did wish for some company. This morning, Landon had disappeared. I expected to wake up wrapped in his embrace as I usually did.

Had he left?

Was this some sort of weird revenge thing?

Landon wasn't like that. He wouldn't. Raising my head, I saw his pillows were messed up and his clothes were still on the floor. Unless he decided to go out today without a shirt considering I was still wearing it, he was definitely still in the apartment somewhere.

Panic over.

I turned over and checked the time. Last night I had forgotten to set an alarm and I had a shift at noon with Elle at the coffee house. Luckily it was still only nine, giving me enough time to spend with Landon.

Before anything, I really had to pee. Every morning I had a routine that had built over a few months. Pee, coffee, and then breakfast.

So when I smelled the coffee after coming down the hallways, I was ecstatic.

"I heard you moving around, I figured it was time for your caffeine fix." Landon greeted me with a mug of steaming coffee and a random show was already on the television.

"You know me too well, Rivers." I slouched down on the sofa and laid my legs across his lap.

Through the archway, a series of papers stuck to every cabinet, I frowned at him and waited for an explanation.

"They're post-it notes. I'm still trying to remember the weird order you have everything in and I'm trying to get used to it all." He said, pointing to the stack of post-its on the coffee table.

Having him at my place was a lot different from me being at his. Usually, he was quite organised - messy, somehow still being able to function with all the clutter - here he had no clue what was happening. I had never seen him label anything. It was fun.

I even considered in the moment moving things around every so often to toy with him. Maybe in a few weeks...

We stayed in peaceful silence, listening to whatever was on the television. I hadn't purchased anything better, so it was all local TV. It was some sort of series that I had never seen before, leading me to confusion and genuine boredom.

After being mind-numbed, I turned my attention to Landon who was sitting with his mouth slightly open and a frown on his face. I wished I had the chance to take a picture, after barely three seconds, he faced me and shook his head. He thought it was just as bad as I did.

Lifting my legs, he stood up and took my empty mug. The tap started running and I joined to help him clean whatever he was cleaning.

My kitchen shouldn't be a mess considering it was only organised yesterday.

"What are you doing?" I asked, watching him rummage through one of the cabinets.

"I'm making you breakfast." He spun a pan around in his hand and went straight for my fridge. "What do you feel like eating?"

It wasn't until he brought up food that I noticed how hungry I was. "Anything. You know what I like and I trust your cooking."

I missed his cooking. Instead of sitting back and watching like I usually did, I stood next to him and assisted him. When we were staying together and he started teaching me how to cook, I was getting a hang of certain things. Making breakfast was always the easiest.

Knowing my favourites, he found all of the ingredients for pancakes and placed them in front of me to figure out. When I began to measure things, he stood behind me and put his hands over mine to keep me steady. From there, I didn't know what I was doing. All I knew is that he was pressed against me and his breath hit my neck when talking me through it.

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