Chapter Fifty Five

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What a wonderful thing. 

Sense the sarcasm? 

Once upon a time, I didn't really have a normality. Chaos surrounded me no matter what I did. I would wake up and my father would be unhappy about one thing or another. I would go to high school (and let's face it, you can never have any sort of routine as a high school student), then back home, where my mom would be there to support me no matter what happened. 

Then Mom died. 

Back to chaos again. 

It's felt like a never-ending cycle for the last twenty-one years. 

Until Landon. 

He became my normality. It may sound odd considering we haven't even known each other a year, but I've never felt so connected to someone. When in Vancouver, all I wanted was to be back in Northlyn with Landon. 

Back to my normality. 

We didn't get back to his apartment till the early hours of this morning, but when I woke up, he decided to run me a bubble bath, light some candles, and start preparing some breakfast for us. He knew exactly how I liked to destress and I didn't even have to ask him. 

He was out of bed before I had awoken and put some comfortable clothes into the tumble dryer so I would be warm after bathing. I was just soaking, a towel under my head so I could comfortably lay back. 

A light knock on the door forced me to open my eyes. "Come in!" 

Landon peered his head around the door with a smile, "Still naked?" 

"Very much so." 

He stepped in and leaned against the door frame. "Here's a towel for you, breakfast is prepared, just let me know when you're ready to eat and I can cook." 

Something about him seemed a little on edge. Doing these nice things wasn't unusual - hell, Landon would bend over backward over barbed wire if I asked him to - but there was something in his demeanor that had changed. 

"We don't have any fresh juice but I can make you a coffee if you like?" He offered. 

"Sure." I smiled, standing up and grabbing the towel. 

I could feel his stare linger over my bubble-covered body and I tried to conceal my blush with a smirk, but it didn't work. Landon helped me wrap the towel around me and kissed my lips. 

Perhaps it was just me. 

I told him to start making breakfast because I wouldn't be long. After brushing my hair and throwing on the clothes he carefully laid out on the chair for me, I followed the smell of pastry to the kitchen. 

Landon's voice echoed very slightly down the hallway and perhaps I shouldn't have listened, but I couldn't stop myself. 

"Look, I want to come, but I just... I'm not going without Cassidy." He paused, clearly on the phone to somebody else. "I'm not going to not tell her, that's fucked. Does he have to be there?" 

I continued walking and made my steps a little louder so he could hear me approaching. 

"Look, I'm going to call you later Chase. I'll let you know." He said. 


He had barely spoken to Chase since the incident of him badmouthing me. I didn't have any influence over it, Landon decided it himself. 

By the sounds of it, they were slowly making amends. That wasn't something he needed to consult me about. 

"Something smells good," I said, making myself apparent, if he didn't already hear me. 

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