Chapter Six

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Elle smiled along, asking me a range of different questions relating to the position. I was always told in high school that interviews were terrifying and intimidating, but she was talking to me like I was a friend and it really calmed my nerves.

"I must say, you're looking very good and considering you are our only applicant that meets basic requirements, I can tell you now that we can offer you the place. Training will start on your first day." She said. It was a relief to know that I would finally have some financial security because that lead to the independence that I had longed for since I arrived.

"One last thing, I don't have your full name here, just Cassie. I'm going to need your whole name for insurance purposes until you can provide ID."

Hopefully my ID was still at Liam's place. I thought I would be back there last night so I didn't think to take it with me. "Cassidy Pierce."

I thought I had put down my whole details on the application, as I glanced over there, scribbled down was just Cassie with a little heart taking the place of the dot on the I.

Her eyes went wide and she seemed slightly taken aback.

"Are you going to Northlyn University by any chance?" She leaned against her chair, a little more casual now and folded her arms.

How did she know?

I knew for a fact that wasn't on the application, only past work experience which wasn't a lot. Unless you count occasionally helping out my father's real estate business when there was nobody else there or if he was away doing God only knows what.

It wasn't the best. He ran a high-end real estate company, so it was always the rich and snobby people coming in looking for a new house or a mansion for their first unborn child with some extreme name like Talula. True story, the woman was awful. But then who am I to complain when it all goes to me?

Anyway, having money isn't a personality trait. There were many lovely people, I was always the one being forced into handling the difficult ones and the respect given to me was minimal, however, I had to put up with it so my father didn't lose any of his profits.

He was paid a lot to travel and find amazing houses for these people and would jump at the chance to go on a free trip, often leaving me and my mom behind.

Noah Pierce had money and many people knew the name. He wasn't so humble, my mother on the other hand taught me differently, which was why we managed to stay under the radar. Nobody knew who I was and I liked it that way. I didn't want to be associated with him business-wise nor personally unless there was a legitimate reason.

The contact was limited, I hadn't spoken to him since I left. Living under his roof nearly drove me to insanity. I couldn't take his controlling habits, yet the lack of care towards me as his daughter was clear as day.

I knew I wasn't wanted by him, that's why I was an only child. He said my mom could adopt one child, then there I was. My mom loved me like her own, so did he when she was still alive. When she passed, it became a lot more apparent how much of a burden I was. Still, I admired his dedication to hiding his real feelings when she was around.


"Oh, sorry. Yes I am, this will be my first year here but I've transferred from Vancouver, so technically I only have one year left for my degree." I informed her.

Face lighting up, she clapped once before clasping her hands under her chin. She put her hand out for me to shake. A little odd considering she didn't seem to be finished with the questions, regardless, I took it in mine.

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