Chapter Fourty

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Breathless, I reluctantly pulled away from his touch.

My insides did a flip when he spun me around. Then followed by a rain kiss? I was a hot mess.

"Why don't you come back to my apartment? You haven't seen it and I've been dying to show you." I suggested.

He placed his hand on his chest and grinned. "Miss Pierce, are you trying to get me in your bed already?"

"Don't flatter yourself, I just don't want this night to end."

"Then consider me there."

I stood on my tiptoes and pecked his nose, continuing to drag him to the stairs. He held my shoulders to keep me steady on the slippery metal the entire way down like I was a piece of glass.

Every few steps, he would lightly nudge me, pretending to make me fall. Glaring at him, he turned his head to conceal a chuckle and continued to guide me safely. I knew he wouldn't purposely let me stumble, yet he was also clumsy whether he would admit it or not. The chances of him making a bad move and us both tumbling down are definitely probable.

To my surprise, we made it down in one piece and he teased me about being scared he would let go of me.

"Where are you going?" He asked, walking in a different direction to me. I was going to my car to drive back.

Landon also brought his car to get here.

"In the chaos of everything that's been happening, I decided it was time to buy a car. I'm driving, you're welcome to follow behind me so you know where to go." I suggested.

How didn't I think of that? If I remembered that he was driving here then I could've simply booked a cab and we could've travelled back together.

I shouldn't have been so worked up about it. Regardless of how it happened, I was going to get there and so was he. I could finally show him my apartment. Whilst it wasn't anything too fancy or special, it was something officially mine. That made it perfect.

"I'll see you there, Coco." He kissed my cheek and walked the opposite direction, rain droplets trickling from the ends of his hair.

I stood still, admiring as he wandered off until he was out of sight.

He owns my heart.

Grinning like a child, I was practically skipping to my car, far too excited to show him what I had done with my life.

My car seat felt like an ice block as soon as I sat down, causing me to shiver when I closed the door. I waited for Landon to find whereabouts I was before setting off so he knew where to go. A set of headlights flashed to the side of me, catching my attention and indicating that I was allowed to be on my way.

In the anticipation, I found myself going slightly over the speed limit. I didn't notice until my phone started ringing with a call from him.

"Do you miss me already, Christian?" I asked, looking in the mirror to make sure he was still behind me. At first, I assumed he had lost me and that's why he was calling, but after seeing him still there, I was unsure again.

"Of course I do." He said, a deep laugh coming through the speaker. "You might want to slow down though, Coco. These roads aren't too kind in the winter. We've all nearly crashed on them before and I'd hate for it to happen to you before I get to see your home."

Your home.

He's my home.

"Only because you asked so nicely. Now hang up, I wouldn't want you to crash." I said, not giving him a reason as to why. It would be a shame for his pretty little face to be messed up by something so simple.

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