Perfect Euphoria - Prologue

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Life is all a game and I wasn't good at playing.

That didn't mean I was going to give up, I needed to fight for him. My entire existence was a mess, just as I thought things were finally setting in place, they went haywire.

Nothing was worth planning anymore either because that never went how it was supposed to. Past experiences were enough to prove it. One baby step at a time. I always learned to tackle the smaller things first. Landon was the biggest issue in my life therefore he required more time and thought to ensure I didn't leave him utterly derelict twice over.

I would making things right no matter what it took. That didn't mean things would go back to how they used to be, things just needed to be right. Then, if all I did failed, at least I could say I tried.

Everything in my world ended up demolished, however they usually were broken beyond repair or I didn't care enough to fix them. Northlyn gave me things to lose. No matter how much I tried to ignore it, I couldn't deny the impact the town had on me. More importantly, the people.

Everyone was a work in progress, especially me. They made me care to better myself. I wanted to stick around for once, see where life took me. Did I debate leaving town and starting over once more? Absolutely, but there were too many lose ends and things left unsaid.

If I was going to walk away, the puzzle would need to be complete. Once more would be enough to get it all out, I needed to figure out all that was going on.

What did people know? Could they really twist tales and knock down everything my friends had just to succeed in their selfish ways? Fool them to think that I would let them do that to the people I care for. Fool them for thinking I would back away from their challenges. Fool them to think I hadn't learned from the first time they messed with me.

I wouldn't let Liam hurt anyone I cared for, especially not Landon.

Landon never gave up on me, it was my turn to not give up on him. Time to make everything perfect... or as close as I could get.

The prologue for part two of Losing Euphoria which will be referred to as Perfect Euphoria! Cassie is one tough girl, you can't deny that, but does she have what it takes to deal with everything thrown at her? Only time will tell.

Follow me on Instagram @addicreates and vote and comment if you're ready for the next part of the Euphoria series!

Follow me on Instagram @addicreates and vote and comment if you're ready for the next part of the Euphoria series!

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