Chapter Fifty Two

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We were finally on a break from university. As promised, I brought Landon to Vancouver with me. 

I had been meaning to come back weeks prior. Life just got in the way of things. Classes took up most of my time and I was trying to study whenever I had time to myself which wasn't spent working. 

Landon and I both needed this break. Whilst we did spend a lot of our days with each other, there was never a chance to really get away from everything. 

There was also the plus of me being able to run errands that I had needed to for so long. I was in contact with a realtor who had put the house on the market for me and let her know I was returning. It was the last of everything I needed to do relating to my father's passing for now. 

The rest of the time, I planned to show Landon around, meet Kristen, and perhaps see my mother at some point. Neither of them knew I was here, it probably would have been a good idea to tell them but it slipped my mind so easily. 

"How far is it from here?" Landon asked. I had been in a mind of my own, planning the sort of things we could do here. 

Was it appropriate for him to meet my cousins? 

He whistled and waved his hand in front of me. "You there?" 

"Sorry. It'll probably be around an hour. The home is in West Vancouver, it's not exactly close but it'll be fine. It is definitely worth getting a coffee for the drive though." I said. We would have to get a cab from the airport pretty easily, but that wouldn't alleviate the boredom, especially after sitting on a plane for over four hours. 

My legs felt numb and I needed a coffee to keep me going. 

"I'll get them," Landon said, pulling out his debit card. 

I laughed, pushing it back to him. "Do you know where to get them?" 

"No. This is an airport, nobody knows where to get a coffee. You just follow signs until you find what you're looking for." He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

"I'll get them. I've been to this airport a lot, I think it'll make more sense if I go." I said. 

Landon liked to be a gentleman all of the time, it was incredibly sweet. Sometimes, he just didn't want to admit that he liked me doing the same sort of things for him. I liked to keep us even, he liked to do it better. 

I dragged my suitcase behind me as I wandered left to the tiny cafe. It took me a minute to figure out that the squeaking wheel wasn't mine. Turning around, Landon was following close behind with the high pitch sound repeating with every step he took. 

He shrugged his shoulders. "You didn't say that I couldn't come with you. I didn't want to wait there alone." 

Interlocking our fingers, I dropped back to be next to him. After we waited for fifteen minutes in line, we had our drinks in hand and we waited in another line of people who hadn't already arranged for someone to pick them up, hoping there would be cabs coming quickly. 

Surprisingly, Vancouver was quite popular in the springtime. It's not only North Americans, people from all over the world come to visit. You could clearly tell that by the woman on her phone who was shouting in a language that sounded like French on the phone. All eyes were on her as she paced back and forth. 

Whilst she was wandering, the woman behind her got in the cab that technically should have been hers. The look on her face when she noticed the vehicle rolling away was priceless, added with her flipping off the driver, Landon and I couldn't contain our laughter along with everyone else who was closely watching her. 

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