Chapter Thirty Six

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Last night I called Adrian for what seemed to be the hundredth time since leaving. I missed seeing him, Chase, the girls, and even the team. Being home wasn't as good as I thought other than seeing Hailee.

She was getting less tolerable the more pregnant she was getting. Our parents insisted we both stayed for as long as we could and I would take advantage of the opportunity. As more time went on, I became sicker and sicker of their antics.

Considering they're divorced, they shouldn't still be living in the same house. When my sister and I are around them, they try not to argue and then think we can't hear them when we go into another room.

Adrian's call was different last night. Coco was there. Why? I didn't know and no matter how much I tried to hide it, I was desperate to find out.

She showed up with Elle and stood staring at the screen in shock. For those minutes when I saw her again, so many feelings and memories rushed back to me.

Comfort, love, and adoration were all quickly shut down with the fury and betrayal from the lies she spun to me. Had she been playing me from the start?

Everything we had was a lie. If she didn't want any of what we had she should've just said rather than stringing me along like her puppet.

Using me to make Liam jealous or whatever was a low blow. It's not hard to be honest. After everything I did for her, letting her live with me for a whole month just so she was more comfortable instead of being alone. I was chasing something I could never have.

Before I had the chance to say anything, Elle broke the awkwardness, telling me to come home. Also that they were talking about something concerning me.

Why would Coco be talking to Adrian about me? It made no sense.

Fuck me.

I was a mess.

Being far away from her didn't help as she was always on my mind. The night she came back with her bags, she left one when she went again. One that was wrapped up in a gift bag.

Not managing to control myself, I looked at the tag to see it was for me. She didn't directly give it to me, yet I couldn't contain my thrills of her thinking of me whilst she was gone, so I opened it.

A blue sweater that said Vancouver, British Columbia on the front in text with a notecard on the side in her scribbly handwriting.

I know it's stupid, it reminded me of you because it matches your eyes - Your Coco.

My Coco, that's what she called herself and my heart melted for her all over again.

When she broke it, I couldn't help but wear it since it was covered in her sweet scent. It wasn't healthy, still, I couldn't resist. Time was helping. The more her smell faded from it, the more I was getting used to her being gone.

Well, apparently not anymore. Since that call, I couldn't get her out of my head. As much as I craved to know what was going on, I knew that if it concerned me, Adrian would've said something.

For all I know, it was likely just Elle making an excuse and it was really something to do with her. After all, she was there with her.

Get a grip.

She's not yours anymore.

Over Christmas, I had been debating doing something so much. Mom said it was too impulsive, that didn't make me want to do it any less.

I wanted to get a tattoo.

Since I turned eighteen I wanted one, now seemed like the perfect time.

Making a permanent scar that wasn't caused by her seemed like the best thing right now. It would take away from everything else and give me one focus.

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