Chapter Thirty

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He hates me.


He'll never forgive me.

Breathe, goddamnit.

New plan. Abandon this whole city and start over. Again. Preferably in an entirely new country. I knew a little French.

No, I couldn't do that.

My plans always failed and trouble would continue to follow until I acted against it. One thing I was certain of was that I needed a new voice to help me out.

Going through my contacts list, I scrolled until I reached the C surnames. Cailen Caruso would surely be able to help. If I told Elle anything, she would try and do something about it before I had the chance, which I appreciated at times, but this had to be completely off of my own back. Cailen would be my secret little helper.

Before anything, I went back to the dorm. Landon and his car were nowhere in sight and without a car myself, I would be pretty useless. At least then if I cried then I wouldn't be noticed in public. Another thing to add to today's list of crap.

Pacing around the room, I fumbled with the newly splintered screen to find her contact again after the anxiety-ridden walk home.

"Cass, I heard you were back in town. Sorry I missed you," She said. I missed speaking to her, it felt like forever ago.

Trying to stay calm in the moment, I took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling. "We can do something when you're back, I promise. I need a little help but I don't want to keep you if you're busy, can you talk?"


It seemed like I had taken everyone around me for granted. Especially Cailen. At least Landon and Elle were always in the back of my mind, I guess I always thought Cailen didn't see me as a close friend. Lately, I was constantly being proved wrong. She was sent from heaven if anything. Heaven may be a push for her, but she's definitely come from somewhere great.

"It's Landon. What I tell you can't reach anyone else. Even Elle." I searched for assurance.

I trusted that she would say nothing to anyone, but it seemed necessary to specify it in case she thought someone else already knew.

"My lips are sealed."

And I spilled it all, stories and tears.

Not a word was spoken on her end until she was certain I was finished.

Weights on my shoulders should've felt lifted, but I was still carrying the burden of what to do next. I thought I planned for every possible outcome, not this.

Immediately after, she said, "Cassie, you need to see him now. Like, right now. Trust me, he'll be back in his apartment. Tell him exactly what happened."

"I need to know what Liam knows. I'm not risking him and his family over this." I sniffled, the aftermath of the breakdown still taking effect.

"You know Liam better than we do." She started. I never really knew him, the person he is now isn't close to the person that he used to be. "If you think that's best then find out what you can. See Landon as soon as you can though. Time's ticking. Don't let it run out."

Got it.

Recently I said how I needed to fix things and express my sorrows to him, but it was never this bad. Before, I was exaggerating because I was worried, now, everything we had was at risk. It looked like I kissed him. Like I had just been using him for revenge this whole time.

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