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One year later.

"Are you coming or not?" I shouted, trying to make my voice loud enough over the top of the waves crashing down on the beach.

Landon appeared out from the patio doors with a towel around his shoulders and swim shorts on. "We've just eaten, Coco, you're so eager."

"Excuse you, I've never swam in the ocean at night, look how beautiful it is." I approached him, pulling on his hands to drag him to the seafront.

When deciding on where to vacation, I made the impulsive decision to enquire about buying a beach house. Now, we fly to the Dominican Republic when we want a break, sometimes inviting our friends when all our vacation days line up well.

Landon dropped his towel onto the sand and picked me up, walking into the ocean to a point where my feet couldn't touch the floor unless I went under. The moonlight drizzled through the water and reflected on his face, illuminating his perfect face structure. "You know, for someone who used to be afraid of the dark, I can't believe how excited you are about this."

"Well, I like the dark when you're here. Especially when you're holding me like this." I smiled, brushing away a curl that fell down towards his eyebrow. Gone were the days when I had to sleep with a light on, Landon was my new safety net. He was all I needed.

"Do you remember when you first stayed at my apartment and you used to make your special tea every morning? What was your special ingredient?" Landon mocked me, constantly trying to figure out what it was I put in there.

The truth was, I had no special ingredient and it was just normal tea. I loved seeing him pretend that it tasted so much better so he wouldn't hurt my feelings. It kept me amused and him confused. "I'll never tell you. Though I do remember you teaching me how to cook."

"And what a waste of time that was. Have you used the kitchen since we moved in?"

I swatted his shoulder playfully. It was true, I hadn't touched the stove from the first day we were there. I simply enjoyed the view of Landon cooking and passed him whatever he asked me for.

"I'm glad you're not as grumpy as you used to be then." I teased.

"I was grumpy? You practically had a leash around yourself. You never saw me when I was grumpy because you refused to see me."

"Then, I helped you see the brighter side of life and I enjoyed your presence so much more. You're welcome."

It was true, I could tell the difference in how Landon was as a person, the more lighthearted I made things between us and the more I teased him, the more he allowed himself to relax and enjoy the moment. Eventually, he stopped getting irritated over the little things and learned to laugh at inconveniences. Just like how his seriousness allowed me to feel comfortable enough to open up and accept that being vulnerable was okay at times.

"You did. Thank you." One of his arms tightened the grip on my waist so the other could move up, caressing my cheek with his thumb. "Not just for that, but for everything you've done for me these past two years. I'll never stop fighting for you, for us."

Grinning, I asked."Does this mean you're going to put a ring on my finger?"

"Don't get too ahead of yourself, we have all the time in the world.

"Well, if you don't do it by the time we're thirty, I'll have to buy one for you." I raised an eyebrow daringly, imagining what would happen if I was the one to propose to him.

Not a chance.

That's what his face said. He wouldn't wait that long, he had told me a million times that he longed to marry me and spend every day waking up next to me. There was nothing else that would make me happier.

Only once in a lifetime do you get to meet someone so special, just the thought of them makes you melt. Nothing could go wrong when they're around and you're fears dissolve into nothing. Someone who can be your best friend, your lover, your saviour and your entire universe all at the same time. Someone who was your soulmate.

"All in due time, Coco."

Once upon a time, I didn't think love was made for me - until Landon. He is my soulmate. We were made for each other, fitting together like the final pieces of a puzzle.

Our love was so perfect, so euphoric.

The End.

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