Chapter Fifty Seven

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Life had been moving too quickly recently. It seemed like forever since the last time Elle, Cailen and I all hung out together. We were in desperate need of a girls' night and we all finally had a single free day together to do just that.

Elle's childlike laughter was filling the room. Nobody had said anything, yet her thoughts kept amusing her before she even had the chance to share it. Cailen and I stared at her for a minute, then to each other before failing to contain our own giggles.

What was the best part? Nobody had any idea what was going on.

There was something so innocent about how we were with each other. From the first day the three of us spent together working in the coffee house, I knew I'd be eternally grateful for everything that had happened to lead me to meet the two of them. There was nothing but love for each other, which is what we had spent the past fifteen minutes discussing, almost on the verge of tears.

Perhaps it was just the alcohol getting to us, but that didn't make the words any less true.

We were doing DIY cocktails, each of us picking two each to make and serve and after finishing them, we were throwing together whatever we could reach for first.

"Okay," Elle finally managed to stop laughing and catch her breath for more than ten seconds. "Do you remember at the start of the year when we all went to Spanish classes together?"

"Bitch, I don't need them. Are you forgetting where I'm from? You dragged me because you thought if I was there then you wouldn't look so bad when you fucked it up." Cailen was practically squealing her words as she suppressed her chuckles.

I remember, it was terrible, I didn't have the heart to tell her no, so I attended the first few with her and then managed to bail out of all the other ones. "Elle it wasn't your brightest moment."

"I know, I know. But wouldn't it have been so cool if we stuck it out?" Elle said, sipping her drink to soothe her now dry voice.

Cailen waved her hands back and forth as though she was invisible, almost knocking her drink off of the coffee table in the process. Her eyes widened as the glass almost toppled, but she quickly caught it and bit her lip, waiting for the expression on my face to show how I was feeling about potentially ruining something in my living room.

Pretending to be mad, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and Cailen started uttering a sincere apology until my smile broke the fake anger. In response, she threw a pillow at me.

"Next time, I won't catch it." She threatened.

Elle cleared away everything that was empty and then returned five minutes later with a new refill.

"So, Cailen, you haven't mentioned much of Ivy recently, how are things with you two?" Elle asked.

Cailen wasn't one to talk about her love life too much, she was always questioning everyone else's. Ivy was the girl she claimed was love at first sight in the gym when we were on our mission to get Landon to speak to me and find out what Liam was up to. She had been brought up a few times, but not nearly enough as she should have.

"Everything's going well at the moment, but we haven't seen each other much recently because she's studying. Apparently, she's on the edge of failing one of her classes and she needs to turn it around very quickly." Cailen said, bringing up a few photos of the last few dates they had been on. "Did I ever tell you that she does dance as well? Real dance, I'm talking ballet and all the stuff you'd watch at a show with classical music. She's the total opposite of me in the best way possible."

We were all fawning over what it's like in the early relationship stages. Me and Landon were partially still there, still experiencing new things together but all of the main firsts were done. Whatever the next phase was, I was ready for it.

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