Chapter Sixty

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Ever since Cassie asked me to move in with her, I was determined to find us a house. However, that was proving to be very difficult. Taking her through that neighbourhood convinced me that even if I couldn't find something perfect there, I had to find somewhere very similar. 

Before that, I had also been planning on buying her a building. With her transferring the headquarters of Pierce Estates to Northlyn Hills, I wanted to give her something that truly showed how powerful she was in the industry - something that she never really acknowledged herself. Whilst she did have a building ready, I know it wasn't exactly what she had in mind. 

Perhaps it was excessive to decide between a house or a workplace to buy my girlfriend, but I would buy her a hundred if that's what it took to prove she was worth every penny I spent. 

The real issue in all of this was that I had the idea to do this for her birthday, which was less than two weeks away. I hadn't mentioned anything to do with her birthday yet, so she had no idea what I had in mind. 

Apparently, I also had no idea. 

My fingers rubbed the tender spot on the back of my neck as I stressed out, scrolling through my laptop. Nothing was standing out. Nothing that could match what she deserved. As much as I wanted to have this ready in time for her birthday, I would rather it be done right instead of done quickly. 

Cassie was getting ready in the dressing room she set up for herself. I was taking any time that I had to myself to search. Well, that and studying for finals. Cass was in her last week and the stress was overwhelming her. Me on the other hand, I was getting on just fine. 

Grayson, who's my supervisor in the station, had already let slip that they were preparing a contract for me as soon as I finished to officially be part of the station I had been volunteering at. Regardless of my finals results, I had a place there because of my experience. The main difference my degree made was how easy it was to work my way up the ranks, which I had every intention of doing. 

Luckily, Cassie had the business either way too. Her degree was more of a personal achievement, she was only proving her ability to herself, though it would certainly be a help to her in the grand scheme of things. 

"What are you looking at so intently?" Cassie stood, leaning against the door frame in the living room. 

Looking very suspicious, I quickly swapped tabs to a PowerPoint and turned the screen around so she could see. It probably wasn't very convincing, given the slight jump I did when I heard her voice. "Studying. What else would I be doing?" 

Squinting her eyes with a knowing grin, she sauntered over to the sofa I sat on and picked my laptop up off of my lap, moving it to the coffee table. She sat directly on top of me, one leg on either side of my thighs and clasping her hands together behind my head. Her sweet scent engulfed me, a mix of the berry soap she kept in my shower and the expensive perfume that she always had at least two bottles of. 

"I don't believe you. A man only jumps like that when he's been caught." Her voice was low, almost a mumble in my ear. "So why don't you tell me what you were really doing?" 


It wasn't like she was accusing me of cheating, if she was, there would've been a lamp thrown at my skull by now. That didn't change the fact that she was still skeptical about what had me on edge when she walked in. 

"You look beautiful, Coco." I said, hoping to butter her up into dropping it. She wore a white, low-cut top and puffy, short sleeves with a matching skirt that ended halfway down her thighs. "Have you done something different?" 

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