Chapter Thirty Four

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By the time we got back to my place, we were all fully ready to let loose. Elle's adrenaline was finally coming down and a proud grin spread from ear to ear from the fact that she cracked it. Kristen was still incredibly angered at the nerve of Liam doing everything he did and Cailen was just happy to have witnessed the whole thing go down.

On the other hand, I didn't know how to feel. Yes, it was great knowing that there was never anything he could've done about me and Landon since it was all just gossip he had heard and was trying and failing to make it into something else. However, it meant that I caused far too much pain between Rivers and I, and I was still worried that I wouldn't be able to make a comeback.

It had been weeks since we last spoke because I wanted to keep him safe. He thinks I don't trust him when in reality I would put my life in his hands. I knew if I told him what was happening, he would've stepped in and helped which I figured would cause a rift between the two of them.

Who knows who else could've got caught up in it?

I felt like I had no right to miss him because it was my fault. Not even Liam's. I was too much of a coward to do anything when it all first arose and look where it got me.

My friends are doing everything they can for me and putting so much into helping me. If anyone walked in and saw Elle doing what she was doing, she could've easily been arrested. The others are putting their lives on hold because they care so much and I don't know how to make it up to them because they're adamant that it's unnecessary.

Stopping at a store on the way back, Kris bought some bottles of stuff she swore was the best thing she had tasted for us all to try. I wasn't in the mood for it, yet it was the least I could do considering she came all the way out here.

"I hope you know that I only have two glasses," I informed her as she pulled out a lot more than I thought she bought from her bag.

"It's a good thing that these all come in bottles then, isn't it?" She said, half-joking but completely serious.

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed myself a glass and offered the other one to whoever took it first which ended up being Cailen.

Seeing all of my friends get on so well with each other was heartwarming. Kris wouldn't be in town for very long seeing as she had a job to get home to and it would probably be a while before she could come back, I was just glad they finally managed to all meet each other, even if it was only for one night.

Towards the end of it all, Cailen was getting a cab to go home and Kris decided to get dropped off at her hotel on the way, not before I could say my goodbyes to her once again.

"It really sucks you living over the other side of the country." She said. "I wish you would come back."

"My life's here now. You're welcome to join me whenever you want. I can't believe you're leaving so soon." She had barely been with me for a few hours and we were already parting ways once again.

Her head tilted to the side with a smile. "I know, I'm going to be traveling home tomorrow and then I've got a shift the day after. At least I'm not making the same mistake you did by catching a train instead of a plane."

I remember doing that and it wasn't the brightest idea. In my defense, my father had just died and the train station was closer than the airport. Timings weren't something I was taking into account too much.

"Let me know how things go with Landon. If it goes well, please bring him to Vancouver." Kristen begged.

"Of course, I couldn't hide you for too long. Thank you for the help tonight. I don't think we could've done it without you."

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