Chapter Thirty Eight

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My lips still tingled into the next day after that kiss. Despite the freezing temperatures, I felt like I was overheating, palms sweating at only the thought of that moment.

In all honesty, I was still in shock. Adrian told me that he was going to help me, I never expected it to happen so quickly. Elle gave him my number and he told me when he had spoken to him. Only a matter of hours later, Landon was back in Northlyn Hills and in my arms.

We didn't talk about anything, I couldn't help it when I embraced him, it was a natural instinct. His smell was so comforting and we wore the shirt that I adored him in. Right there, it felt like nothing had changed.

Only moments passed until I knew how wrong it was.

After everything, I had the audacity to treat him like he was mine.

The weirdest part, he kissed me after.

I couldn't process it properly. Last time we saw each other, he was yelling and he told me not to come back. No matter what Adrian said, it could have never been enough to make him that forgiving. I didn't say anything, no time for an apology before his mouth was against mine and I never wanted to leave his side again.

There was too much to clear up and there wasn't enough time. Now I didn't have long before I had to see him again. We said we would meet at the rooftop in the evening, likely the same time we were there the first time we met. I still had to make it across town to the bar and I wasn't dressed yet either.

It was a lot to see him so open with me again. I expected him to still hate me, only giving me a chance to talk because his best friend said he should.

Adrian can work some serious miracles, I would make sure to repay him one day.

I owed everything to him now. And Elle.

Really, I owed everyone. Next time we went out, drinks would all be on me.

Snap out of it.

What to wear...

Winter was not a good season to dress nice. Everything would either be ugly or make me cold because nice outfits never keep anyone warm. A knitted jumper would do just fine. It was Landon. He had seen me at my worst. In a little apron, he still wanted to kiss me. There are a lot worse things out there.

Layering three pairs of socks, I struggled to put on a pair of booties. Two minutes passed and I managed to pull up the zipper on the side.

The drive down to the bar took a lot longer than I ever remembered. Slippery roads and late-night traffic were not a good mix. A few cars seemed to skid and I was being extra careful, my car was not going to be crashed when I hadn't owned it for even a month. Music would only distract me now. Usually, I had it to make me more relaxed and take my mind off of things, my mind needed to be fully concentrated on my surroundings.

Road rage was a problem for other people, obsessing over beeping their horns at people going even slightly under the speed limit. That was me. I was going under the speed limit.

In the past, I was never afraid of dying, yet today was not the time for it. If I was going to die, I wanted to be happy with everything I had in life. It was worth living with Landon here. Not just Landon, there were so many people who I cared for now.

Oh, how things change.

A year ago, if someone threatened me, I wouldn't have any cares. Northlyn gave me something to fight for. It wasn't that I wanted to die, I just didn't care for living when there was nothing worth it.

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