Chapter Thirty Two

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With the girls on their way, I panicked knowing that it was the first time they were coming over and there was so much clutter that it ruined the whole atmosphere I had planned for the future. They wouldn't care too much, it was more of a personal preference that I needed it to look nice.

What sort of host was I? The only things I had to offer them were bottles of water and chips.

Never mind. With the ideas I had in my head, food was the last thing I had planned. On the other hand, if they needed to eat considering the short notice and me potentially ruining their agenda for the evening, I could easily buy them something on our travels. We would probably be all over the place for the rest of the day until God only knows what time.

It was a nice way to reunite after being apart for so long. They hadn't even seen each other since we all planned to do something together before classes started again.

They had been looking forward to scheming some elaborate measures to get us back together. Considering how Liam was being, it was more needed than I thought.

Every few days he would contact me. He was friends with a few of the guys on Landon's football team, for some reason their explanations weren't good enough for him and it had to come from me to say that we hadn't been together.

The thing is, Landon was a very private person, even if we were together, his team wouldn't know about it. He didn't want them getting into our business. Understandably as well, if they knew one thing then they'd want details of everything else going on. Then they'd know what's happening now.

Those people didn't need to know our troubles.

After pushing the final pieces of clutter out of the way, the apartment buzzer sounded from the door.

"Cass, it's us. Let us in already, we're freezing out here." Elle spoke with a shaky voice.

"Come on up." I rolled my eyes and pressed the button to open the door for them.

Within a couple of minutes, they were knocking on the door and singing my name until I opened it.

"Calm down guys," I said.

"Calm down? Are you serious?" Elle asked, astounded by my command. "We haven't seen you in so long and you're finally going to fix things with the love of your life and you're telling us to calm down?"

Walking them into the open, I frowned at her exaggeration. "For one, I wasn't the one who left town, two, I'm not fixing things today, I'm progressing towards it. We still don't know everything going on and it's not going to be so easy. Three, love of my life is a bit of a stretch."

"But you do love him." Cailen teased.

A smile played on my lips and I looked to the floor. They knew it, I didn't have to admit it to them for the sake of them winning whatever this was.

"Before we do anything, I want a tour," Elle said, clasping her hands together and glancing around the room.

I knew her game. "Please, you just want to see the room that you'd be sleeping in."

"Well if you're upgrading your lifestyle, I need to cling onto your glory."

She did know that the guest room wasn't decorated yet, right? Oh no, she'd want to help me design it. Her input wasn't the worst, Elle actually had very good taste however it was different from mine. I wanted everything to match in some way or another and if she interfered with my process then it wouldn't go as well as I wanted it to.

Either way, the guest room was the last on my list to get ready. Obviously I needed all of the other rooms that I personally would use to be done before anything else was.

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