Chapter Twenty Four

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Today, I tried to keep myself distracted. Stop thinking of Coco and concentrate on something else, anything else. In more ways than one, my head needed a break from the mess, as glad as I was that she was doing okay and I didn't have to worry about her anymore, I became more occupied wondering when she would come home.

She said soon, but not soon enough to me. It already felt like too long. Luckily, I was still working on the same case from the station which was keeping me adequately busy. In fact, she even left my mind for the first few hours seeing as it's not the kind of job you're allowed to be distracted in.

That was until she woke up. Vancouver was a few hours behind which made sense as to why she woke so late. It made my day to be the first thing on her mind with the unexpected message pinging to my phone.

Cassie Pierce: Morning Christian, I dreamed of you.

She dreamed of me. Something so simple, yet it kept me wondering what exactly she dreamed of. Maybe it was nothing much, people are in my dreams all of the time, not the way she is. When I dreamed of her (which is more often than I would ever admit to her) it was definitely not the same way anyone else would be in there. I'd like to hope she thought of me a bit different from how she thought of Elle and Cailen. Scratch that, I wanted her to think of me in a way she never thought about anyone before.

Glancing over it was all I had time to do, but I was sure to make a mental note of responding to it later on. I was thinking about it enough to have a perfect response, but somehow, there was nothing that I deemed appropriate to send back.

Something was definitely wrong when I was looking over images of someone surrounded by their own blood and my sole thoughts were about Coco.

Usually, I would be irritated if someone called me Christian, but I loved it when she did. Since I told her, she never called me by my first name anymore, occasionally I would get Rivers, but it was mainly Christian. Only she could call me that from then on.


A family wanted to know what happened to their father. There were more important things happening in the world than my hopeless crush. At least I was getting closer, with the case that was. The suspects were narrowing down quicker than I thought and it seemed best to bring the remaining ones into questioning once more.

To my knowledge, there was nothing else I could've done that day. I was in serious need of a wind-down and it was time for Cailen to leave town again for her monthly trip back to Spain. Checking the time, I only had ten minutes until I could clock off and go straight to meet them. I was prepared with a change of shirt in the trunk and everything I could possibly need, being my wallet, in my glove box.

"Rivers, I'm taking over for the night, you can go now." The older man supervising me going by the name Agent Niel patted me on the back, dismissing me early as he did every day.

"Are you sure?" I asked, of course, I was ready to leave because I couldn't do anything more, but it was more for the courtesy."

"Yeah, it's no bother. I'll see you in the morning."

I grabbed my keys from the drawer and walked out, nodding in acknowledgment at the guy on the front desk. Normally, I would attempt some conversation, but he was already on the phone to what sounded to be an irritating client by the look on his face and the gesture of him shooting himself.

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