Chapter Thirty Three

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Kristen was actually here. I couldn't believe it. Immediately I ran over to hug her and she welcomed me with open arms.

Her wet hair stuck to my face slightly as she pulled away laughing at the state of it.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I asked, taking her coat to hang it in a closet.

"When you called I was in a hotel. It was supposed to be a surprise. Plus, you're in a bit of a situation and you need all the help you can get." She gestured to the girls behind me awaiting an introduction.

It was definitely a surprise, I'll say that. Cailen and Elle slowly made their way over to greet her. They all knew of each other, yet this was the first time they had ever spoken or met in person considering the whole one thousand miles distance.

"Kris, this is Elle and Cailen. We were just about to head out and look into Liam, you're more than welcome to join us?" I offered. "You can get ready in my room and dry off if you want to."

A tap on my shoulder interrupted and I turned to see Cailen hovering over me. "Not to put break up this reunion or disrupt your plans like what usually happens but we need to get to the gym. Hayden could be leaving at any time and we don't want to miss our chance."

She had a point. Time had passed since the post and who knows how long he had already been there and how long he planned on staying. We needed to get there as soon as possible.

"Don't worry. Kris and I will stay here so she can get ready and then she can come with me to see the other guys. You two go now!" Elle insisted.

First I was hesitant. They didn't know each other very well and could only go off of the stories that I had been constantly sharing. Elle would absolutely look after her though and they would get along great, I had full trust in both of them.

Agreeing, I grabbed my car keys and handed one of the spare apartment keys to Elle. She would likely get one eventually and there's no time like the present.

Before we left, I shouted, "We will call you when we're done and we can figure out what's next from there!"

Having been there a couple of times myself, I knew exactly where the campus gym was. Cailen had the address of the place the others were going to up on her phone because we would probably be done before them and would go to spectate.

Fingers crossed for smooth sailing.

Landon would hopefully be coming back in time for the next semester, meaning I didn't have long to make arrangements and put everything set in stone.

To make more room for Cailen, I budged all of the bags that I still hadn't taken inside into the trunk and onto the backseat. Either way, she wouldn't have complained, it was more for me. If I didn't see the clutter then it couldn't stress me out.

The day was getting on quite quickly and the winter nights didn't hold off, darkness was shadowing over us early so I had to turn on my headlights too. Animals often ran into the road and I wanted to keep the streak going of never hitting any of them.

"When we get there," Cail started, sipping a drink that she pulled from her bag. "What are you going to say?"

"Can't I just ask him what I want to know?" The way she said it put me off and made me uneasy.

Her eyebrow raised questioning my thought process. "You've never spoken to the guy. If you don't work some magic then this isn't going to work. Did you really think that he would just rat out his friend to his ex-girlfriend?"

Good point.

I wasn't thinking this through enough. That was a first.

"Okay, we can do two approaches. First, I'll go up to him, make a little conversation and see what I can get from him." I stated, going over what I thought would work a treat. "Second, if that doesn't work, you use your charm to get some sort of confession out of him. Sound good?"

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