Chapter Twenty

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The moment we walked through the apartment door, Landon pushed me against the wall and plunged his hands into my hair, tugging it back to my lips could perfectly meet his. Both of us were incredibly desperate for each other, constantly pulling each other closer and closer with every movement.

His lips continued to claim mine as he lifted my legs up and around his waist. We were no longer holding back from the inevitable. We both felt the connection, it wasn't like anything I had ever experienced before and we were past denying the desire. I wasn't lying when I told him I trusted him, I would put my life in his hands confidently, I knew he wouldn't break my heart. I tightened my grip around his neck whilst his hands travelled up to hold me steady by my ass. All of the control was his, if it was his way of branding me, I would beg him to do it a thousand times over.

This boy could own me.

I didn't even notice when he had guided us to his room and placed me down on the bed until he pulled away and knelt down, eye level with me as he sat between my legs.

"You're really something special, aren't you Coco?" Landon was just as breathless as me whilst his hands drifted up and down my legs, his sandy blonde hair messier than usual with one curl dropping lower than the rest of it.

"Me? Landon, I don't think you give yourself any credit. You're like... if someone looked for serendipity in the dictionary, your name would be there." It didn't make any sense, but he understood exactly what I was saying. "You're the beautiful thing I found without ever looking for it."

A groan escaped his lips and his head laid down on one of my legs. It was cute, how he didn't know what to do or what to say. I couldn't remember any time where he was truly speechless. I grazed the bottom of his jaw with my fingers and he looked up with those bright, blue eyes that had brough me so much euphoria. There was nothing I could really get from his expression other than him looking stuck. Like he was at a roadblock and needed to decide his next move.

"I..." He paused, contemplating his next words, then sighed with defeat. "We should go to sleep. It's late."

Landon raised to his feet and pointed to the lamp, gesturing to see if I still wanted it on. Was I sleeping with him? Well, not sleeping with him, but next to him? I bobbed my head and agreed and he wandered out of view to the en suite bathroom, leaving me alone with more wonderment than ever before.

This was not me, but I still loved it. Usually, I had more sense, my actions would have more though and reason behind them and this seemed so reckless. In the moment, it felt right, like it was meant to happen.

I had a problem, I didn't know what it was, other than the fact that I had never been this happy for such a long period of time. The universe was on my side of life at that moment, there was nothing that could possibly ruin it. For the first time, things were how they should be. Landon was to blame for it.

Within minutes, he was back and wearing nothing except a pair of low riding sweatpants. Definitely didn't ruin anything.

This morning when he was dressed like that, I was staring unapologetically, but I felt too hot to even peep for more than a mere second.

Landon lifted the covers for us to both get under. "If we don't sleep now, we'll be exhausted tomorrow."

"I didn't realise we had plans tomorrow," I said, trying to hide my yawn because I was incredibly worn out and it hit me like a brick.

"Oh, I'm going to church." He joked, having made it clear that he didn't have any religious beliefs. "Actually, I'm going out with the guys tomorrow, they want to get some football practice in before the next game."

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