Chapter Fourty Five

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"Of course, I'll be your girlfriend, Landon. I can't believe it took you so long to ask." I said, pecking him more in between the words.

Turns out, the thing that was missing was being able to call him mine. Everything was how it should be. We were perfect.

"There's one more thing I have for you." He said, reaching into his pocket. In his hands laid a beige, velvet box.

After his eyes met mine briefly, he opened it up revealing a silver necklace with two interlocked hearts.

"It's a promise necklace. When I'm not around to tell you, you can always have a reminder of how much you mean to me. You're the only one, Coco."

Landon lifted it carefully out of the box and I turned, allowing him to fasten it around my neck. It laid perfectly and I held it up under my torch, admiring the intricate design. He turned it between his fingers, revealing the engraving on the back. One heart read Pierce, the other read Rivers. No doubt, this cost him a fortune.

"It's beautiful." I barely whispered. As simple as it was, I still felt a burning pricking at my eyes. They were happy tears, but that didn't mean I wanted them to fall. Landon definitely saw then when he pulled my chin to get a full view of my face with a frown. "You make me happy."

He already knew how he made me feel, still, the words were always nice to hear from someone.

"Let's go home." He pulled me to my feet and handed me the car keys whilst he grabbed everything there.

Noticing he was far behind me, I sat in the driver's side before he could be there to stop me. Seconds later, he appeared from the trees and stared before chuckling to himself.

Was he not going to stop me?

Apparently not. He took a seat in the passenger side with a raised eyebrow. "I take it that you're driving?"

"Yes. Yes, I am. Is that going to be a problem?" I asked as though it would get a reaction out of him.

"Not at all. You know the way."

Well then. I wasn't expecting him to be so carefree about it. Usually, there's some sort of bickering about it which I always won, yet it was still fun.

"Only because this is a special day. Next time you try this, I swear I'll put you in the backseat." He said. That was more like it, more what I was expecting.

With me driving, it felt weird. Nothing was different other than the fact that I was in control and on the other side of him. We were still talking as usual and his hand was still resting on my leg. The closer we were to his apartment, the faster my heart was beating. Glancing over at him, I didn't miss how he was biting the inside of his cheek.

Shaking my head subtly, I continued to concentrate on the road and ignore anything else. I tried my hardest to ignore his presence and the way his thumb rubbed over my upper thigh. It was distracting and I did not want to crash. Not today.

"Coco?" Landon spoke from beside me. There went the whole pretending he wasn't there.

"Mhmm?" I mumbled. Words struggled and I knew if I tried to say anything real, my voice would be shaking obviously.

"Are you okay?" He caught on. That bastard. I simply nodded, still not making eye contact. For him, it wasn't enough. His hand brushed higher and if my jeans weren't blocking the way, he would be tracing the line of my thong. "How about now."

"Dick," I mumbled.

Another damned laugh. I pulled into the parking lot outside of his block and threw him the keys once I was out. I wasn't going to wait for him, instead, I made my way up to his apartment. Considering we left at the same time, he was about two meters behind me when I checked. My pace quickened however his legs were longer than mine and had no trouble maintaining the short distance.

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